Genealogy of the
Smith, Staebell, Voegele, and Mesker Families


Site Map
Comments? Suggestions? Send a letter to Brian...

People:  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa-Sl Sm-Ss St-Sz T U V W XYZ

Marriages and Families:  A-C  D  E-L  M-R  Sa-Sl  Sm-Ss  St-Sz  T-Z

Collected by many family members.
Organized for the internet by Brian J. Smith.

Each record in the "People" pages describes one person, with information known about his or her life, such as dates of birth and death. In many cases their are links to the marriage and family pages to the record about the person's parents and to the record about the person's marriage and children. The people pages have information about individuals. The "marriage and family" pages have information about families.

Comments? Suggestions? Send a letter to Brian...