Welland County,
Ontario - Names from Microfilm Records
Compiled by Brian J. Smith
- March-April, 2002
See also (on this site):
Genealogy Site Map
Welland County, Ontario
Welland County Microfilm
Families from Welland Microfilm Records

St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Snyder.
This photo is from the website of the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Catherines,
On this page, microfilm numbers and film numbers
refer to FHL catalog numbers. For more information, see
Family History Library (FHL).
This page lists names found in the Welland County microfilm records. My search
of these microfilm reels is neither complete nor thorough. I searched only for
the names that appear in my family history, and in particular the names SCHNEIDER
and DRUMMER. I performed this research during 2002.
European Home Towns Named
While looking through the records of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, I noted
these references to places in France and Germany, cited as the home towns of
- "Risenavia (or Wisenavia) in Bavaria" - Birthplace of John
Drummer (28-Feb-1859 marriage)
- "Bruggartsvilla in Alsatia" - Birthplace of Maria Anna
Durliat (28-Feb-1859 marriage)
- I think "Bruggartsvilla" is Brückensweiler, the German name
of Bréchaumont in Alsace
- "Bruggertsviller Alsatiae" - Birthplace of George Gaag
(29-Aug-1859 marriage)
- I think this, too, is Brückensweiler, the German name of Bréchaumont
in Alsace
- "Alsatia, Ingolhemia(?)" - Birthplace of Eva Baal (26-Apr-1859
- This might be the village of Ingolsheim in Alsace
- "Nesass in Bada" - Birthplace of Catharina Schaffler (29-Aug-1859
- "Llissandaimelach" - Birthplace of Friederick Pfeifer (23-Oct-1860
- "Schleidau Prov. Alsatia Germ." - Place of origin of George
Schweitzer (30-Dec-1884 marriage)
- "Lauterbach in Alsatia Superior" - Birthplace of Elisabetha
Bail Schmid (13-Oct-1874 burial)
- "Reidy ducatis Badensis" - Birthplace of Felixis Weibel
(20-May-1875 burial)
- "Baden, Germania" - Birthplace of Johannes Miller (born
08-Sep-1828, died 05-Jun-1897)
Film 1404210 - Baptism records, 1849-1983 - St. Joseph's Catholic Church,
Snyder, Willoughby Township, Welland County, Ontario
At the beginning of this microfilm is a history of the parish church. There
are also pages with these statements:
- "Vidi etiam Registra apend Fort Erie et Niagara Falls et Toronto."
- "Some Baptisms are written in Registers at Fort Erie, Ont., and Falls
View and in Toronto."
Item 1 - Baptisms, 1849-1899
In the baptism records:
- Barbara BAUER (p.5)
- Born 19-Jun-1849
- Baptized 29-Jul-1849
- Daughter of Michaelis BAUER and Mariae SCHIEL
- Witnesses: Joannes Henricus ROMAINS and Barbara KLEIN
- Barbara WILLIG (p.5)
- Born 05-Dec-1849
- Baptized 27-Dec-1849, "in domo patris"
- Daughter of Joannis WILLIG and Anna Maria SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Joannes and Anna Maria SCHNEIDER
- Joseph MILLER (p.8 #12)
- Born 25-Jun-1851
- Baptized 29-Jun-1851
- Illigitimate son of Magdalenae MILLER
- Witnesses: Joannem MILLER and Barbaram SCHNEIDER
- Catharina WILLIG (p.8 #40)
- Born 08-Jul-1851
- Baptized 10-Aug-1851
- Daughter of Joannis WILLIG and Anna Maria (no surname)
- Witnesses: Catharina SCHNEIDER and Sebastianus KAUFMANN
- Jakob WILLICK (p.12)
- This record is in German, and difficult to read
- Baptized 08?-Jun?-1852
- Son of Johannes WILLICK
- Witnesses: Jakob SCHNEIDER and Elisabeth SCHNEIDER
- Maria? DRUMMER? (p.13 #66)
- This record is in German, and difficult to read
- Born May-1852
- Baptized 30-Jan-1853
- Daughter of Joseph DRUMMER?
- Maria Anna DIMMER (p.16)
- Baptized 1853
- Daughter of Sigismund and Anna Maria DIMMER
- Later records show that this surname is DIMMER or THIEMER, not DRUMMER
- Anna Maria's birth name is MILLER
- Joseph WILLIG (p.17)
- Born 18-Mar-1854
- Baptized 07-May-1854
- Son of Joannis WILLIG and Anna Maria SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Joseph DURLIAT and Catharina SCHNEIDER
- Barbara JOCHIM (p.17)
- Born 19-May-1854
- Baptized 15-Aug-1854
- Daughter of Jacob JOCHIM and Catharina BALL
- Witnesses: Michael KOEBEL and Barbara SCHNEIDER
- Petrum SCHNEIDER (p.18)
- Born 20-Sep-1854
- Baptized 05-Oct-1854
- Son of Joannis SCHNEIDER and Maria DURLIAT
- Witnesses: Friedericus SCHNEIDER and Magdalena DURLIAT
- Mathiam KAUFMANN (p.18)
- Born 03-Sep-1854
- Baptized 06-Oct-1854
- Son of Sebastiani KAUFMANN and Maria SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Mathia KAUFMANN and Maria SCHNEIDER
- Helena SCHNEIDER (p.20)
- Born 21-Jul-1856
- Baptized 10-Aug-1856
- Daughter of Petri SCHNEIDER and Elisabetha MAYER
- Witnesses: Martin SCHIHL and Catharina SCHNEIDER
- Benjamin BLONDE (p.21)
- Born 11-Jan-1858
- Baptized 14-Feb-1858
- Son of Georgii BLONDE and Catharina SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Nicolas MEYER and Maria Anna WILLIG
- Francisca SCHNEIDER (p.22)
- Born 07-Nov-1857
- Baptized 14-Feb-1858
- Daughter of Petri SCHNEIDER jun. and Elisabetha MAYER
- Witnesses: Josephus MEYER and Juditha BLONDE
- Rosina SCHIHL (p.22)
- Born 20-Mar-1858
- Baptized 28-Apr-1858
- Daughter of Petri SCHIHL and Anna SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Friderico LEJUNE and Rosina DURLIAT
- Joannes BALL (p.22)
- Born 04-Apr-1858
- Baptized 25-Apr-1858
- Son of Francisci BALL and Christinae WOLFSTERN
- Witnesses: Joanne SCHIHL and Eva BALL
- Anna SCHNEIDER (p.22)
- Born 19-Feb-1858
- Baptized 25-Apr-1858
- Daughter of Jacobi SCHNEIDER and Sophia TRUMMER
- Witnesses: Joanne TRUMMER and M. Anna KAUFFMAN SCHNEIDER
- Michael JOCHIM (p.23)
- Born 30-Jun-1858
- Baptized 29-Aug-1858
- Son of Jakobi JOCHIM and Katharinae BALL
- Witnesses: Fridericus LEJEUNE and Eva BALL
- Joseph SCHNEIDER (p.24)
- Born 26-Sep-1858
- Baptized 14-Nov-1858
- Son of Petri SCHNEIDER and Elisabeth MAIER
- Witnesses: Joseph MAIER
- Benjamin WILLIG (p.25)
- Born 19-Jan-1859
- Baptized 28-Feb-1859
- Son of Joannis WILLIG and Annae Mariae SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Friderico SCHNEIDER and Elisabeth TRENDLE
- Maria KAUFMANN (p.25)
- Born 07-Mar-1859
- Baptized 22-May-1859
- Daughter of Sebastian KAUFMANN and Maria Anna SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Joannes WILLIG and Anna SCHIHL
- Augustinus BLONDE (p.26)
- Born 25-May-1859
- Baptized 26-Jun-1859
- Son of Georgii BLONDE and Catharina SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Joanne WILLIG and Maria Anna BLONDE
- Joannes SCHNEIDER (p.28)
- Born 27-Oct-1859
- Baptized 27-Nov-1859
- Son of Jacobi SCHNEIDER and Sophia TRUMMER
- Witnesses: Joanne WILLIG and Maria Anna BAUER
- Joseph TRUMMER (p.28)
- Born 07-Nov-1859
- Baptized 18-Dec-1859
- "filius ex conjugis Joannis TRUMMER et Martin SCHIEL (legi.) et
Maria Anna DURLIAT"
- I don't know why two men are named here
- Witnesses: Martin SCHIEL and Sophia TRUMMER
- Friedericus Ferdinandus GERBER (p.29)
- Born 03-Apr-1860
- Baptized 08-May-1860
- Son of Pauli GERBER and Elisabethae SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Friderico SCHNEIDER and Anna Maria BLONDE
- Fredericus WILLIG (p.29)
- Born 18-Jul-1860
- Baptized 06-Aug-1860
- Son of Joannes WILLIG and Maria Anna SHEIDER
- Witnesses: Sebastianus KAUFMAN and Maria Anna SHEIDER
- Georgius TRUMER (p.30)
- Born 28-Mar-1861
- Baptized 28-Apr-1861
- Son of Joan. TRUMER and Maria DURLIAT
- Alexander BLONDE (p.30)
- Born 18-Apr-1861
- Baptized 28-Apr-1861
- Son of Georgi BLONDE and Kath. SCHNEIDER
- Maria SCHIEL (p.30)
- Born 06-Oct-1860
- Baptized 28-Apr-1861
- Daughter of Peter SCHIEL and Maria Anna SCHNEIDER
- Frediricus SCHNEIDER (p.31)
- Born 25-Aug-1861
- Baptized 08-Sep-1861
- Son of Jacobi SCHNEIDER and Sophia TROMMER
- Witnesses: Fredericus SCHNEIDER and Magdalena WILLIG
- Franciscus Eduardus GERBER (p.33)
- Born 20-Apr-1862
- Baptized 15-Jun-1862
- Son of Pauli GERBER and Elisabetha SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Michaele BAUER and Maria Anna WILLICK
- Georgium WILLICK (p.33)
- Born 09-Jul-1862
- Baptized 20-Jul-1862
- Son of Johannis WILLICK and Annae Mariae SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Petro SCHNEIDER and Anna Maria WILLICK
- Franciscus Xaverius DRUMMER (p.33)
- Born 30-Jul-1862
- Baptized 17-Aug-1862
- Son of Johannis DRUMMER and Mariae Annae SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Francisco DURLIAT and Elisabetha WILLICK
- Jacobum BLONDE (p.34)
- Born 11-Dec-1862
- Baptized 18-Jan-1863
- Son of Georgis BLONDE and Catharinae SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Jacobo SCHNEIDER and Barbara BLONDE
- Johannem Petrum SCHIEL (p.35)
- Born 30-Mar-1862
- Baptized 19-Apr-1863 (more than one year old)
- Son of Petro SCHIEL and Anna Maria SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Johanne SCHIEL and Anna KAUFMANN born SCHIEL
- Henricum WILLICK (p.35)
- Born 26-May-1863
- Baptized 21-Jun-1863
- Son of Johanne WILLICK and Anna Maria SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Joseph MEIER and Elisabetha BLONDE
- Henricum SCHNEIDER (p.35)
- Born 06-Jun-1863
- Baptized 21-Jun-1863
- Son of Jacobo SCHNEIDER and Sophia DRUMMER
- Witnesses: Georgio DRUMMER and Catharina KOENIG
- Georgium MEIER (p.36)
- Born 01-Oct-1863
- Baptized 19-Oct-1863
- Son of Josepho MEIER and Maria Anna WILLICK
- Witnesses: Nicolas WILLICK and Anna Maria (SCHNEIDER) WILLICK
- Henricum DRUMMER (p.36)
- Born 28-Nov-1863
- Baptized 20-Dec-1863
- Son of Johanne DRUMMER and Maria Anna DURLIAT
- Witnesses: Jacobo SCHNEIDER and Magdalena SCHIEL
- Georgium BLONDE (p.38)
- Born 12-May-1864
- Baptized 19-Jun-1864
- Son of Georgio BLONDE and Catharina SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Joannes BLONDE and Barbara WILLIG
- Maria Anna SCHNEIDER (p.39)
- Born 09-Sep-1864
- Baptized 11-Sep-1864
- Daughter of Friederico SCHNEIDER and Maria Anna BAUER
- Witnesses: Nicolao WILLIG and Anna BAUER
- Barbaram GERBER (p.39)
- Born 11-Sep-1864
- Baptized 16-Oct-1864
- Daughter of Paulo GERBER and Elisabeth SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Franciscas GERBER and Elisabeth WILLIG
- Anna Elisabetha SCHNEIDER (p.40)
- Born 22-Apr-1865
- Baptized 21-May-1865
- Daughter of Jacobi SCHNEIDER and Sophia DRUMMER
- Witnesses: Francisco Aloysis PROESCH and adlolescentula Elisabetha WILLICK
- Henricum WILLICK(p.40)
- Born 08-Jun-1865
- Baptized 16-Jul-1865
- Son of Joh. WILLICK and Anna Maria SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Johanne ROMANS and Elleonora TRENDLE
- Elisabetham MEIER (p.41)
- Born 13-Jun-1865
- Baptized 16-Jul-1865
- Daughter of Josepho MEIER and Maria Anna WILLICK
- Witnesses: Josepho BAUER and Elisabetha WILLICK
- Michaelem DRUMMER (p.41)
- Born 20-Sep-1865
- Baptized 15-Oct-1865
- Son of Johanis DRUMMER and Maria Anna DURLIAT
- Witnesses: Francisco Xaverio DURLIAT and Anna DRUMMER (born HEIDORN)
- Johanne Frederico SCHNEIDER (p.43)
- Born 08-Aug-1866
- Baptized 19-Aug-1866
- Son of Friderico SCHNEIDER and Maria Anna BAUER
- Witnesses: Johanne PAULI and Sophia SCHNEIDER (born DRUMMER)
- Johannem Robertum GERBER (p.43)
- Born 29-Jul-1866
- Baptized 19-Aug-1866
- Son of Paulo GERBER and Elisabetha SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Francisco GERBER and Elisabetha WILLICK
- Petrum BLONDE (p.43)
- Born 25-Aug-1866
- Baptized 16-Sep-1866
- Son of Georgio BLONDE and Catharina SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Nicolao WILLICK and Magdalena BLONDE
- Barbaram SCHNEIDER (p.44)
- Born 03-Apr-1867
- Baptized 28-Apr-1867
- Daughter of Jacobo SCHNEIDER and Sophia DRUMMER
- Witnesses: Barbara ROMANS and Peter SCHNEIDER
- Jacobum DRUMMER (p.45)
- Born 19-Jun-1867
- Baptized 30-Jun-1867
- Son of Johanne DRUMMER and Maria Anna DURLIAT
- Witnesses: Franciscus DURLIAT and Elisabeth WILLIG
- Josephum MEIER (p.45)
- Born 23-Jun-1867
- Baptized 18-Aug-1867
- Son of Josepho MEIER and Maria Anna WILLIG
- Witnesses: Georgius ROMANS and Catharina WILLIG
- Franciscum Haverium BLONDE (p.47)
- Born 09-May-1868
- Baptized 17-May-1868
- Son of Georgio BLONDE and Catharina SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Johanne KOESCH and Cathrina WILDGEN
- Joannem MEIER (p.47)
- Born 24-Jul-1868
- Baptized 16-Aug-1868
- Son of Josepho MEIER and Anna Maria WILLIG
- Witnesses: Mauritius KOENIG and Barbara WILLIG
- Henricum Emilium GERBER (p.48)
- Born 22-Aug-1868
- Baptized 21-Sep-1868
- Son of Paulo GERBER and Elisabetha SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Joannes MÜLLER and Sophia SCHNEIDER
- Maria Katharinam DRUMMER (p.48)
- Born 12-Dec-1868
- Baptized 14-Jan-1869
- Daughter of Joanne and Maria Anna DRUMMER
- Witnesses: Jos. SCHIEL and Katharina SCHIEL
- Jacobum SCHNEIDER (p.48)
- Born 15-Apr-1869
- Baptized 09-May-1869
- Son of Jacobo and Sophia SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Jacobum WILLICK and Katharina ___?
- Joannem WILLIG (p.48)
- Born 25-Jun-1869
- Baptized 18-Jul-1869
- Son of Joanne and Barbara WILLIG
- Witnesses: Joannes DRENDEL and Marianna SCHNEIDER
- Henricus MEYER (p.49)
- Born 10-Apr-1870
- Baptized 15-May-1870
- Son of Jos. MEYER and Maria Anna WILK
- Witnesses: Jos. WILK and ____? PAULY
- Friedr. DRUMMER (p.49)
- Born 05-May-1870
- Baptized 16-May-1870
- Son of Johannis DRUMMER and Maria Anna DURLIATT
- Witnesses: Franc. Xav. DURLIATT and Sophia SCHNEIDER
- Anna Magdalena DRUMMER (p.49)
- Born 28-Jun-1870
- Baptized 16-Jul-1870
- Daughter of Georgii DRUMMER (died on the 14th) and Evae KOENIG
- Witnesses: Mauritius KOENIG and Sophia SCHNEIDER
- Barbara Magd. SCHNEIDER (p.50)
- Born 28-Jun-1870
- Baptized 17-Jul-1870
- Daughter of Fried. SCHNEIDER (died 09-Feb) and Maria Anna BAUER
- Witnesses: Jacob SCHNEIDER and Barb. WILK
- Mariam Magdalenam WILLIG (p.50 #15)
- Born 22-Aug-1870
- Baptized 10-Sep-1870
- Daughter of Nicolho WILLIG and Helenda DRENDEL
- Witnesses: Joh. DRENDEL and Elisabeth WILLIG
- Margaretam SCHNEIDER (p.51 #3)
- Born 05-Mar-1871
- Baptized 16-Apr-1871
- Daughter of Jacobo SCHNEIDER and Sophia DRUMMER
- Witnesses: Nicolaus WILLICK and Eva KÖNIG
- Elisabeth Catharinam GERBER (p.51 #4)
- Born 27-Mar-1871
- Baptized 16-Apr-1871
- Daughter of Paulo GERBER and Elisabeth SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Johannes DURLIAT and Regina BLONDE
- Mariam Annam MYRE (p.52 #9)
- Born 30?-Oct-1871
- Baptized 12-Nov-1871
- Daughter of Josepho MYRE and Maria Anna WILLICK
- Witnesses: Johannes TRENTLE and Elisabeth BLONDY
- Jacobum DRUMMER (p.52 #1)
- Born 09-Jan-1872
- Baptized 18-Jan-1872
- Son of Johanne DRUMMER and Maria Anna DULLIAT
- Witnesses: Jacobus SCHIEL and Amelia WENGER
- Jacobus WILLICK (p.52 #3)
- Born 24-Apr-1872
- Baptized 12-May-1872
- Son of Nicolas WILLICK and Eleanora TRENDEL
- Witnesses: Jacobus WILLICK and Magdal. KOEBEL
- Mariam Mathildam WILLICK (p.54 #3)
- Born 14-Mar-1873
- Baptized 20-Apr-1873
- Daughter of Johanne WILLICK and Barbara BAUER
- Witnesses: Joh. PAULY and Maria Anna WILLICK
- Petrum SCHNEIDER (p.54 #7)
- Born 07-Jul-1873
- Baptized 03-Aug-1873
- Son of Jacobo SCHNEIDER and Sophia DRUMMER
- Witnesses: Judith Marianna GERBER
- Catharinam Sophiam DRUMMER (p.55 #8)
- Born 31-Oct-1873
- Baptized 25-Dec-1873
- Daughter of Joanne DRUMMER and Maria Anna DURLIAT
- Witnesses: Joannes Henricus SCHNEIDER and Amalia WONKERT
- Gulielmum MEYER (p.55 #1)
- Born Dec-1873
- Baptized 18-Jan-1874
- Son of Josepho MEYER and Anna Maria WILLICK
- Witnesses: Petrus WILLICK and Judith GARBER
- Josephum TRENDEL (p.56 #9)
- Born 25-Aug-1874
- Baptized 13-Sep-1874
- Son of Joanne TRENDEL and Elisabeth WILLICK
- Witnesses: Jacobus WILLICK and Magdalena KOEBEL
- Guilelmum Nicolaum WILLICK (p.56 #10)
- Born 15-Aug-1874
- Baptized 13-Sep-1874
- Son of Nicolao WILLICK and Leonora TRENDEL
- Witnesses: Petrus WILLICK and Judith Maria GERBER
- Franciscum WILLICK (p.57 #12)
- Born 07?-Oct-1874
- Baptized 25-Oct-1874
- Son of Joanne WILLICK and Barbara BAUER
- Witnesses: Joanne ROMENS and Margaretha Magdalena PAULI
- Paulum Augustinum GERBER (p.58 #9)
- Born 04-Aug-1875
- Baptized 05-Sep-1875
- Son of Paulo GERBER and Elisabeth SCHNEIDER
- Witnesses: Joannes SCHNEIDER and Catharina SCHIHL
- Nicolaum MEYER (p.59 #12)
- Born 12-Sep-1875
- Baptized 17-Oct-1875
- Son of Josepho MEYER (MYER) and Maria Anna WILLICK
- Witnesses: Fridericus WILLICK and Maria Anna KAUFMANN
- Sophiam Amiliam SCHNEIDER (p.59 #1)
- Born 27-Jan-1876
- Baptized 06-Feb-1876
- Daughter of Jacobo SCHNEIDER and Sophia DRUMMER
- Witnesses: Joannes SCHNEIDER and Amilia WENKER
- Georgium WILLICK (p.60 #10)
- Born 02-Sep-1876
- Baptized 01-Oct-1876
- Son of Joanne WILLICK and Barbara BAUER
- Witnesses: Joannes SCHNEIDER and Catharina SCHIHL
- Elisabeth Amaliam DRUMMER (p.60 #13)
- Born 17-Oct-1876
- Baptized 30-Oct-1876
- Daughter of Joanne DRUMMER and Maria Anna DURLIATT
- Witnesses: Petrus SCHNEIDER and Amalia WENKER
- Gulielmum Josephus TRÄNDEL (p.61 #1)
- Born 15-Dec-1876
- Baptized 20-Jan-1877
- Son of Andreas TRÄNDEL and Barbara WILLICK
- Witnesses: Josephus WILLICK and Aemilia WENKER
- Henricum MAYER (p.63 #11)
- Born 14-Aug-1877
- Baptized 16-Sep-1877
- Son of Josephi MAYER and Marianne WILLICK
- Witnesses: Benjam. WILLICK and Henrietta EFFINGER
- Andream WILLICK (p.63 #13)
- Born 27-Sep-1877
- Baptized 07-Oct-1877
- Son of Jacobi WILLICK and Magdalena KOEBEL
- Witnesses: Petrus WILLICK and Elisabetha C. KOEBEL
- Married 28-Apr-1903 to Rose FRIEDMAN of Chesstow Ont. at Chesstow
- Augustinum WILLICK (p.64 #4)
- Born 15-Apr-1878
- Baptized 05-May-1878
- Son of Joannis WILLICK Jr. and Barbarae BAUER
- Witnesses: Fridericus GERBER and Mariann SCHNEIDER
- Guilelinam Ludovicum TRENDEL (p.65 #1)
- Born 14-Nov-1878
- Baptized 19-Jan-1879
- Son of Andrea TRENDEL and Barbara WILLICK
- Witnesses: Petrus WILLICK and Magdalena MILLER
- Petrum MAIER (p.65 #4)
- Born 26-Jan-1879
- Baptized 02-Mar-1879
- Son of Josephi MAIER and Maria Anna WILLICK
- Witnesses: Fridericus GERBER and Regina WEISS
- Barbaram Magdalenam WILLICK (p.67 #19)
- Born 02-Oct-1879
- Baptized 06-Oct-1879
- Daughter of Joanne WILLICK Jr. and Barbara BAUER
- Witnesses: Joseph CRITZ and Barbara CRITZ born BLONDE
- Jacob Henricum WILLICK (p.68 #21)
- Born 20-Nov-1879
- Baptized 07-Dec-1879
- Son of Jacobo WILLICK and Magdalena KÖBEL
- Witnesses: Jacobus SCHIHL and Maria Anna KÖBEL
- Jacob H. Willick was married to Clara KOABEL on Sept 16, 1916, at St.
Joseph's Cathedral in Buffalo, NY
I stopped my detailed scanning of records at the end of 1879.
- Mariam Violet SCHNEIDER (p.102)
- Born 21-Nov-1898
- Baptized 29-Jan-1899
- Daughter of Jacobo SCHNEIDER and Ida WIDDIG
- Witnesses: John WILLICK and Sophia SCHNEIDER
Item 2 - Baptisms, 1900-1957
This section of the microfilm contains information about living people.
In accordance with my privacy
policy, I have not transcribed onto this web page information about people
who might still be living.
In the baptism records:
- Margaretha Loretta SCHNEIDER (p.10 #2)
- Born 11-Jan-1914
- Baptized 01-Mar-1914
- Daughter of Peter SCHNEIDER and Katharina KING of Bertie
- Witnesses: Peter WILLICK and Maria A. WILLICK
- First Communion: Jun-1923
Item 3 - Baptisms, 1957-1983
This section of the microfilm contains information about living people.
In accordance with my privacy
policy, I have not transcribed onto this web page information about people
who might still be living.
The surname HAIDON appears in some of these records.
Film 1404211 - Marriage records, 1846-1986 - St. Joseph's Catholic Church,
Snyder, Willoughby Township, Welland County, Ontario
The village of Snyder, in the township of Willoughby, was originally named
New Germany. It was named for the Rev. T. Snyder (no relation to my Schneiders),
a Lutheran minister who moved there in the late 1800's.
Item 1 - Marriages
The first page in this section is numbered 116.
In the marriage records:
- 12-Nov-1849 (p.116)
- Marriage of Nicolas BLONDE and Elisabeth MAI
- Son of Joannis BLONDE and Anna Maria GERBER
- Daughter of Leonhard MAI and Sibyllae WERLE
- Sponsors: Georgius BLONDE and Anna Maria VOISIN
- 20-Jan-1851 (p.116)
- Marriage of Adam WADI and Marianna GÄRBER
- Son of Adam WADI and Elisabetha BLEISTEIN
- Daughter of Andreas GARBER and Mariannae Barbarae GRAFIN
- Sponsors: Joannes SCHNEIDER and Maria Anna TRIENTE
- 09-May-1853 (p.116), written in pencil at the bottom of the page
- Marriage of Sebastian KAUFMANN and Maria Anna SCHNEIDER
- This marriage record was found among the baptism records on microfilm
- 09-May-1853 (p.15)
- Marriage of Sebastian KAUFFMAN and Maria Anna SCHNEIDER
- Son of Dominici KAUFFMAN and Barbara KOSTER
- Daughter of Petri SCHNEIDER and Barbarae KLINE
- Sponsors: Matthias KAUFMAN and John BLUNDY
- This marriage record was found among the baptism records on microfilm
- 21-Sep-1853 (p.15)
- Marriage of Joanni SHNIDER and Maria Anna DELLIAD
- Son of Petri SHNIDER and Barbarae CLINE
- Daughter of _____? DELLIAD and Maria Anna BLUNDY
- Sponsors: Jacob SHNIDER and Catherine SHNIDER
- 28-Apr-1857 (p.117), crossed out entry
- Marriage of Jacobum SCHNEIDER and Sophia TRUMMER
- Sponsors: Joan. Trummer and Marg. Willig
- Undated crossed-out entries at the bottom of p.117
- Geor. BLONDE and Katharina SCHNEIDER
- Fried. SCHNEIDER and ___? BLONDE
- 28-Apr-1857 (p.118)
- Marriage of Georgium BLONDE and Katharina SCHNEIDER
- Son of Joannis BLONDE and Anna Maria GERBER
- Daughter of Peter SCHNEIDER
and Barbarae KLEIN
- Sponsors: Friedr. SCHNEIDER and Juilita? BLONDE
- 28-Feb-1859 (p.119 #1)
- Marriage of Joannes DROMMER and Maria Anna DURLIAT
- Son of Georgii DROMMER and
- Joannes Drommer is from Risenavia (or Wisenavia) in Bavaria
- Maria Anna is the widow of SCHNEIDER
- Daughter of Xaverii DURLIAT and Anna Maria BLONDE
- Maria Anna Durliat is from Bruggartsvilla in Alsatia
- I think "Bruggartsvilla" is Brückensweiler, the German
name of Bréchaumont in Alsace
- Sponsors: Friderico SCHNEIDER and Maria Anna BAUER
- 26-Apr-1859 in Buffalo (p.119 #2)
- In the Church of St. Mary in Buffalo
- Marriage of Fridericus LEJEUNE and Eva BAAL
- Son of Ludovici LEJEUNE and Elisabeth HUGEL
- Fridericus is from Canada
- Daughter of Francisci BAAL and Eva BERST
- Eva is from Alsatai, "Ingolhemia"?
- Sponsors: Jacobo MISCHE and Joanne MULLER and Maria LEJEUNE
- 29-Aug-1859 (p.119 #3)
- Marriage of Joannes MÜLLER and Catharina SCHAFFLER
- Son of Joannis MÜLLER and Maria Anna LOWENSTEIN
- Joannes (the groom) was born in Canada
- Daughter of Aloisis SCHAFFLER and Mariae UPRECHT
- Catharina is from "Nesass in Bada"
- Sponsors: David Joseph MÜLLER and Barbara ZINK
- 29-Aug-1859 (p.119 #4)
- Marriage of Georgius GAAG and Catharina MÜLLER
- Son of Georgii GAAG and Margaretha BADA
- George was born in "Bruggertsviller Alsatiae"
- Daughter of Joannis MÜLLER and Maria Anna LOEWENSTEIN
- Catharina was born in Canada
- Sponsors: Nicolas BLONDE and Magdalena BLONDE
- 13-Dec-1859 (p.120 #5), with the annotation "Buffalo #25")
- Marriage of Theobaldas MAIER and Catharina SCHIEL
- Married in the church of "S. Mar. Emma" in Buffalo
- Son of Appollinaris MAIER and Magdalena BLONDE
- Theobaldas is from Canada
- Daughter of Jacobi SCHIEL and Catharina GEHRING
- Sponsors: Micaele BAUER and Magdalena MAIER
- 23-Oct-1860 (p.120)
- Marriage of Friederick PFEIFER and Elisabetha THLEITZ
- Son of Johan PFEIFER and Tieler? LOUIS
- Friederick is from Llissandaimelach
- Daughter of Ant. THLEITZ and Gertruda BICHNER
- Elisabetha is from Canada
- Sponsors: Michael BAUER and Maria Anna BAUER
- 21-Apr-1863 (p.121)
- Marriage of Josephus MEIER and Maria Anna WILLICK
- Son of Apollonarii MEIER and Magdalenae BLONDE
- Daughter of Johannis WILLICK and Mariae SCHNEIDER
- Maria Anna Willick is described as "adolescentula"
- Sponsors: Nicolas MEIER and Elisabetha WILLICK
- 20-Jul-1863 (p.122)
- Marriage of Fridericum SCHNEIDER and Maria Anna BAUER
- Son of Petri SCHNEIDER
and Barbarae KLEIN
- Daughter of Michaelis BAUER and Maria Anna SCHIEL
- Sponsors: Nicolas WILLICK and Magdalena BAUER
- 20-Jan-1868 (p.122)
- Marriage of Henricus ROMANS and Judith BLONDE
- Son of Henrici ROMANS
and Magdalena STEPHAN
- Daughter of Joannis BLONDE and Annae Mariae (no surname given)
- Sponsors: Joannes ROMANS, Joannes BLONDE, Barbara ROMANS, and Magdalena
- 16-Nov-1868 (p.123)
- Marriage of Joannes DRENDEL and Elisabetha WILLIG
- Son of Joan. and Magdal. DRENDEL
- Daughter of Joan. and M. Anna WILLIG
- Sponsors: Nicolaus WILLIG and Eleanora DRENDEL
- 18-Oct-1869 (p.123)
- Marriage of Nicolaum WILLIG and Eleanora DRENDLE
- Son of Joannis WILLIG and Anna Maria SCHNEIDER
- Daughter of Joannis DRENDLE and Magdalena WEIBEL
- Sponsors: Andreas DRENDLE and Barbara WILLIG
- 18-Apr-1870 (p.123)
- Marriage of Georg DRUMMER and Eva KOENIG
- Son of Georg DRUMMER and
- Daughter of Caroli KOENIG and Magdalenae KATERY
- Sponsors: Johanne DRUMMER and Magd. KOENIG
- 19-Oct-1874 (p.125)
- Marriage of Andream TRENDEL and Barbara WILLICK
- Son of Felix? TRENDEL
and Franciscae KOONE
- Daughter of Johannis WILLICK and Mariae SCHNEIDER
- 02-Feb-1875 (p.126)
- Marriage of Josephum KONIG and Catharina WILLICK
- Son of Caroli KONIG
and Magdalena KETTERER
- Daughter of Joannis WILLICK and Mariae SCHNEIDER
- Sponsors: Josephus WILLICK and Maria Anna KAUFMANN
- 03-Oct-1876 (p.126)
- Marriage of Franciscum DURLIAT and Elisabeth KIEFFER
- Son of Francisci Xavierii
- Daughter of Josephi KIEFFER and Barbarae SANGER
- Sponsors: Petrus SCHNEIDER and Juliana SHANAHAN
- 15-Nov-1876 (p.127)
- Marriage of Jacobus WILLICK and Magdalena KOEBEL
- Son of Joannis WILLICK
and Mariae SCHNEIDER
- Daughter of Martini KOEBEL and Barbara TRENDEL
- Sponsors: Petrus WILLICK and Maria Anna KOEBEL
- 05-May-1879 (p.128)
- Marriage of Joannem SCHNEIDER and Catharina SCHIHL
- Son of Joannes SCHNEIDER and Maria Anna DURLIAT
- Daughter of Joannes SCHIHL and Barbara BALL
- Sponsors: Jacobus SCHIHL and Anna SCHIHL
- 19-Apr-1880 (p.128)
- Marriage of Jacobum SCHEIDER
and Sara Joanna LEARN
- Son of Petri SCHNEIDER
and Barbarae KLEIN
- Daughter of Jacobi LEARN and Penelope BANGNER
- Sponsors: George MINNES and Maria Anna MINNES (nee BAUER)
- This signed statement appears with the marriage record:
- "I Jane Learn testify hereby before God the Omnificent and
the witnesses here present and subscribed, that I shall never and
in no way hinder my future husband Jacob Schneider or his children
in the practice of his or their holy catholic faith, and moreover
that I shall rear all our ___? children of both sex in the same catholic
religion, even in the case that my husband should die before me. New
Germany, 19-Apr-1880 (signed) Sarah Jane Learn
- 27-Sep-1880 (p.129)
- Marriage of Nicolam BLONDE and the widow Catharina KOENIG
- Son of Joh. BLONDE
- Daughter of Johanis WILLICK
- Sponsors: Joseph WILLICK and Maria KAUFMAN
- 20-Jun-1881 (p.129)
- Marriage of Joseph WILLICK and Anna SCHIEL
- Son of Johanni WILLICK and Mariam SCHNEIDER
- Daughter of Johannum SCHIEL and Barbara BAHL
- Sponsors: Ben WILLICK and Christina BAUER
- 18-Nov-1881 (p.129)
- Marriage of Petrum WILLICK and Maria Anna KOEBEL
- Son of Johannis WILLICK
and Annae Mariae SCHNEIDER
- Daughter of Martini KOEBEL and Barbara TRENDEL
- Sponsors: Benjamin WILLICK and Francisca KOEBEL
- 30-Dec-1884 (p.130)
- Marriage of Philippum SCHWEITZER and Barbara MILLER
- Son of Georgii SCHWEITZER and Elisabethae
- Father George Schweitzer is from "Schleidau Prov. Alsatia Germ."
- Daughter of Johannis MILLER and Jacalenne FAEH
- Elisabetha is from Black Rock
- Note by Brian: Black Rock is part of Buffalo
- Sponsors: Guilielmus SCHWEITZER and Maria MILLER
- 16-Dec-1885 (p.131)
- Marriage of Benjamin WILLICK and Magdalenam SCHIHL
- Son of Johannis WILLICK
and Mariae Anna SCHNEIDER
- Daughter of Jacobi SCHIHL and Mariae TRENDLE
- Sponsors: Maria Anna and Jacobus SCHIHL, Henry WILLICK and Anna SCHNEIDER
- 12-Feb-1889 (p.132)
- Marriage of Petrum Andream KAUFMANN and Anna Maria BAUER
- Son of Sebastiani KAUFMANN
and Mariae SCHNEIDER
- Daughter of Michaelis BAUER and Maria BLANDY
- Sponsors: Frank CRITZ and Maria BAUER
- 07-May-1894 (p.134)
- Georgium MEYER and Almiram SCHNEIDER
- "Falls View" is mentioned - perhaps this is the location of
the wedding
- The bride is identified as "neo-conversa," which I interpret
to be a new convert to Catholicism
- Sponsors: John and Maria MEYER
- 08-Jul-1895 (p.134)
- Franciscam CRITZ and Mariam TRENDLE
- Son of Josephi CRITZ and Barbarae BLUNDY
- Daughter of Joannis TRENDLE and Elizabethae WILLICK
- Sponsors: Gulielimus CRITZ and Elisabetha TRENDLE
- 09-Dec-1904 (p.138)
- Marriage of Ernestum DENT and Mariam SCHNEIDER
- Son of Joannis DENT
and Sarae JACKSON
- Daughter of Johannis SCHNEIDER and Catharinae SCHIHL
- Sponsors: Joannes WILLICK, Barbara SCHNEIDER, Joannes and Ludovica SCHNEIDER
- 14-Sep-1904 (p.139)
- Marriage of Jacobum ROONEY and Teresam MYER
- Son of Michaeilis ROONEY
and Helenae CONLIN of Le Roy, NY
- Daughter of Josephi MYER and Mariae WILLICK
- Sponsors: Francis J. WALSH of Niag. F. NY and Barbara MYER
- 27-Jun-1906 (p.140)
- Marriage of Jacobum BRUNNING and Mariam E. WILLICK
- Son of Mathiae BRUNNING
and Margaretae PAULLEY
- Daughter of Petri WILLICK and Mariae A. KOABEL
- Sponsors: Petrus A. WILLICK and Margaret BRUNNING
- 26-Sep-1906 (p.141)
- Marriage of Petrum M. DIEHL and Barbara SNYDER
- Son of Henrici DIEHL
and Catharinae DELLIARD
- Daughter of Joannis H. SNYDER and Catharinae SCHIHL, "viverat ex
Buffalo NY"
- Sponsors: Franciscus DILLIARD and Catharina SNYDER
- 24-Oct-1906 (p.141)
- Marriage of Dominicus KAUFMANN and Elizabetham TRENDLE
- Son of Mathias KAUFMANN
and Anna SCHIHL
- Daughter of Joannis TRENDLE and Elizabethae WILLICK
- Sponsors: Josephus TRENDLE and Barbara WILLICK
- 19-Jun-1907 (p.141)
- Marriage of Gulielmum (William) Geo. SOMERVILLE and Anna Maria WILLICK
- Son of Mariae SOMERVILLE
of Chippewa
- Daughter of Josephi WILLICK and Anna SCHIHL
- Sponsors: Joannis WILLICK and Barbara WILLICK
- 20-Oct-1908 (p.142)
- Marriage of Petrum Albertum WILLICK and Louisam M. SCHNEIDER
- Son of Petri WILLICK
and Mariae KOEBEL
- Daughter of Joannis SCHNEIDER and Catharinae SCHIHL
- Sponsors: Henricus E. WILLICK and Clara SCHNEIDER
- 23-Nov-1909 (p.143)
- Marriage of Mauritium ROACH of Thorold, Ont., and Barbara WILLICK
- Son of Joannis ROACH
and Maletiae? REUTER
- Daughter of Josephi WILLICK and Anna SCHIHL
- Sponsors: Francis ROACH and Christina WILLICK
- 14-Jun-1911 (p.143)
- Marriage of Franciscum CARROLL and Minnie? TRENDLE
- Son of Cornelii CARROLL
and Sarah TRENDER
- Daughter of Andreae TRENDLE and Barbara WILLICK
- Sponsors: Benjamin TRENDLE and Anna BRENNAN
- 15-Oct-1912 (p.144)
- Marriage of John SCHNEIDER and Mathilda WILLICK
- Son of John SCHNEIDER
and Catharine SCHIHL
- Daughter of Jakob WILLICK and Anna KOABEL
- Sponsors: Philip WILLICK, Frederick SCHNEIDER, Caecilia WILLICK, and
- 22-Jan-1913 (p.145)
- Marriage of Johannes WILLICK and Johanna NEU
- Son of Joseph WILLICK
and Anna SCHIHL
- Daughter of Henricus NEU and Mellissa NIGH
- Sponsors: Philippus WILLICK and Christina WILLICK
- 14-Oct-1913 (p.145)
- Marriage of Henricus WILLICK and Elisabeth SCHNEIDER
- Son of Petri WILLICK
and Mariae KOEBEL
- Daughter of Johannis SCHNEIDER and Katharinae SCHIHL
- Sponsors: Ludovicus WILLICK and Helena SCHNEIDER
- 10-Jun-1914 (p.145)
- Marriage of Josephus TRENDLE and Anna VOISIN
- Son of Johannis TRENDLE
and Elisabeth WILLICK
- Daughter of Josephi VOISIN and Maria LENHARD
- Sponsors: Jacobus WILLICK and Clara KOEBEL
- 15-Feb-1915 (p.145)
- Marriage of Martinum WILLICK and Claram Ameliam SCHNEIDER
- Son of Petri WILLICK
and Mariae KOEBEL
- Daughter of Johannis and Katharinae SCHNEIDER
- Sponsors: Louis WILLICK and Helena SCHNEIDER
- 29-Nov-1916 (p.146)
- Marriage of Charles Edward MORETTIE and Theresia WILLICK
- Son of George and Agnes
- Daughter of Joseph and Anna WILLICK
- Sponsors: Louis WILLICK and Josephine WILLICK
- 24-Jan-1917 (p.146)
- Marriage of William J. WILLICK and Irene HENDERSON
- Son of Joseph WILLICK
and Anna SCHIEHL
- Daughter of Thomas HENDERSON and Bertha MILLER
- Sponsors: Alfred WILLICK and Christine WILLICK
Item 2 - Marriage Register, 1957-1986
This section of the microfilm contains information about living people.
In accordance with my privacy
policy, I have not transcribed onto this web page information about people
who might still be living.
Film 1404212 - Confirmation and death records, 1853-1899 - St. Joseph's Catholic
Church, Snyder, Willoughby Township, Welland County, Ontario
Item 1 - Confirmations, 1861-1899
- Confirmations on 27-Oct-1853 include:
- This record is from p.16 of the baptism microfilm 1404210
- Fredericus SCHNEIDER
- Johannis VILLIG
- Catherina SCHNEIDER
- Elisabeth SCHNEIDER
- Henricus DRUMMER
- Sophia DRUMMER
Item 3 - Confirmations, 1959-1982
This section of the microfilm contains information about living people.
In accordance with my privacy
policy, I have not transcribed onto this web page information about people
who might still be living.
Item 2 - Deaths, 1853-1899
The first four records are in German. All the others are in Latin.
The surname CRITZ is sometimes spelled GRITZ.
In the death records:
- 24-Jul-1862 (p.159) - George WILLICK, born on the 9th
- 25-Jul-1862 (p.159) - Francisci EFFINGER, married to Catharinae EFFINGER,
age 43 years 9 months
- 20-Sep-1862 (p.159) - Catharinae MEIER born SCHIEL, wife of Theobaldi MEIER,
died 18-Sep, age 22 years 4 months
- 15-Feb-1863 (p.160) - Maria Elisa SCHNEIDER, born MEIER, wife of Petrus
SCHNEIDER, died on the 13th
- 19-Nov-1863 (p.160) - Josephus MÜLLER, age 74, maried to Rosinae FISCHER,
buried 21-Nov
- 12-Mar-1864 (p.160) - Henricus WILLIG, son of Johannes and Anna Maria WILLIG,
age 9 months(?)
- 08-Apr-1848 (p.161) - Maria Anna CARVER, age 35
- 11-Jun-1848 (p.161) - Theobald KOEBEL, age 76
- 12-Aug-1851 (P.161) - Nicolaus KOENIG, age 41
- 11-Jul-1852 (p.161) - Elisabeth HIEGEL, wife of LEJEUNE, age 48
- 29-Jul-1854 (p.161) - Theobald GRITZ, age 73
- 24-Jul-1855 (p.161) - Johanes SCHNEIDER, age 28 years
- 23-Jul-1864 (p.161) - Anna SCHNEIDER, died on the 21st, age 6-1/2 years
- 17-Jul-1856 (p.161) - Anton BELLMAH, age 66
- 10-Sep-1864 (p.162) - Annae Mariae YUNG, wife of Jacobi DURLIAT, died on
the 8th, age 54
- 05-Dec-1867 (p.163) - Annae Mariae GRITZ, born BIELIGER, 83 years old
- 11-Feb-1870 (p.164) - Friedericus SCHNEIDER, died on the 9th, age 35 years
- 22-May-1870 (p.164) - Jakob and Michael DRUMMER, two brothers, died on the
19th, one of them is age "quinque" ("five")
- 17-Jul-1870 (p.164) - Georg DRUMMER, died on the 15th, age 28 years
- 19-Sep-1870 (p.164) - Johann WILLIG, age circa 15 months, died 16-Sep
- 14-Dec-1870 (p.164) - Anna DRUMMER, born 28-Jun-1870, died 13-Dec-1870
- 21-Dec-1870 (p.164) - Barbara SCHNEIDER, age 76 years 3 months, died 19-Dec-1870
- 28-May-1871 (p.165) - Franciscus PFEIFER, died on the 26th, age 60
- 11-Nov-1871 (p.165) - Carolus Ant. KOENIG, buried on the 12th, age 62
- 11-Mar-1872 (p.165) - Barbara SCHWALLER, wife of Petri Schwaller, age 66,
died on the 9th
- 07-May-1872 (p.165) - Ludovicus LEJEUNE, age 69, buried on the 9th
- 10-Jul-1872 (p.165) - Petrus SCHNEIDER, age 88 years, buried on the 12th
- 08-Sep-1872 - Jacobi DRUMMER, son of Joannes DRUMMER and Maria Anna DURLIAT,
age 8 months
- 29-Aug-1872 - Friedericus Joannes DRUMMER, son of Joh. Dr. and Maria Anna
DURLIAT, age 2 years 4 months
- 01-Oct-1874 (p.166) - Appollinaris MEYER, age 72 years 24 days, died 29-Sep
- 13-Oct-1874 (p.166) - Elisabetha SCHMID born BAIL, born in 1792 in "Lauterbach
in Alsatia Superior," died 11-Oct
- 20-May-1875 (p.166) - Felixis WEIBEL, died on the 17th, age 64 years 5 months
4 days, born in "Reidy ducatis Badensis"
- 01-Jan-1876 (p.167) - Anna DRUMMER, born HAIDORN, died 30-Dec, age 74 years
6 months
- 03-Jan-1876 (p.167) - Nicolai WILLICK, son of Joannis WILLICK, died 01-Jan,
age 30 years 4 months 20 days
- 05-Apr-1877 (p.167) - Michaelis KOEBEL, son of Theobaldi and Mariae KOEBEL,
died on the 3rd, age 56 years 11 months 9 days
- 09-Jan-1879 (p.168) - Sophiae SCHNEIDER, born DRUMMER, age 39 years 7 months
2 days, died 07-Jan
- 15-Aug-1879 (p.168) - Maria Anna DURLIAT born BLONDE, died on the 13th,
age 73
- 03-Sep-1879 (p.168) - Magdalenae MEYER born BLONDE, died 01-Sep, age 76
years 6 months 20 days
- 23-Mar-1880 (p.169) - Guilelaus Joseph TRENDEL, son of Andrae TRENDEL, born
15-Dec-1876?, died 21-Dec
- 10-Apr-1880 (p.169) - Guilielmina Ludovica TRENDEL, daughter of Andreas
TRENDEL and Barbara WILLICK, died on the 8th, age 1 year 4 months 24 days
- 06-Sep-1881 (p.169) - Joannis TRENDLE, died 04-Sep, age 79 years 3 months
4 days
- 10-Sep-1881 (p.169) - Annae Mariae WILLICK born SCHNEIDER, died 08-Sep,
age 56? (or 57?) years 5 months 20 days
- 14-Sep-1881 (p.169) - Catherina SHIELD, died on the 12th, no age or maiden
name given
- 27-Feb-1882 (p.169) - Jacob DURLIAT, age 68
- 10-Aug-1882 (p.170) - Anna Maria BLONDE, died 08-Aug, age 67 years 5 months
7 days
- 13-Oct-1882 (p.170) - Johannis WILLICK, died 11-Oct, age 70 years 9 months
11 days
- 14-May-1883 (p.170) - Magdalena TRENDLE, died on the 11th, age circa 79
- 29-May-1883 (p.170) - Magdalena GERBER, died on the 27th, age 21 years 8
months 6 days
- 04-Jun-1883 (p.170) - Anna KAUFMANN, died on the 2nd, age 51 years 7 months
- 07-Jul-1883 (p.170) - Susannae BREMS?, died on the 5th, age 51 years 7 months
- 30-Jul-1883 (p.170) - Antonii SEIFERT, died on the 28th, born Jan-1815
- 25-Feb-1885 (p.171) - Johannes Wm BLONDE, age 4 months, son of Niclolai
BLONDE and Mariae WILLICK, buried 25-Feb
- 14-Apr-1885 (p.171) - Johannis WILLICK, married to Barbara BAUER, died 12-Apr,
age circa 46 years
- 24-Apr-1885 (p.171) - Barbarae WILLICK born BAUER, died 22-Apr, age circa
36 years
- 28-Sep-1885 (p.171) - Francisci Xaverii DURLIAT, "patriarche hujus
pagi" ("patriarch of the village"), died 25-Sep, age 85
- 25-Jan-1886 (p.172) - Joannis BREMS, widow, age 70
- 19-Oct-1886 (p.172) - Jacob SCHIHL, died 16-Oct, age 86
- 07-Mar-1887 (p.172) - Josephi MYER, died 05-Mar-1887, age 49
- 05-Feb-1889 (p.173) - Catharina BLONDY born SCHNEIDER, wife of Nicolaui
BLANDY, buried 07-Feb
- 28-Apr-1889 (p.173) - Fredericus TRENDL, son of Andreae and Barbarae TRENDL,
died 26-Apr, age 2 months 14 days
- 01-Sep-1889 (p.173) - Barbara WENKER, wife of Ludovici WENKER, died 30-Aug,
age 67 years 5 months 16 days, converted to Catholic in 1861
- 10-Oct-1889 (p.173) - Henerici ROMANZ, widower, died 08-Oct, age 80
- 28-Nov-1889 (p.173) - Georgii YAEST, married Catharinae HOFFMAN, died 26-Nov,
age 80
Item 5 - Deaths, 1853-1914
In the death records:
- 17-Oct-1892 (p.174#3) - Leonorae WILLICK born TRENDLE, died 14-Oct, age
- 11-Dec-1893 (p.174) - Mrs. Louis SCHIELS, age 72
- 22-Mar-1895 (p.175) - Magdalenam KOENIG born KETTERER, buried 25-Mar, age
- Buried 01-Nov-1896 (p.175) - Agnelis MAYER, daughter of Georgii MAYER and
Timonthi? MAYER born SCHNEIDER
- Died 05-Jun-1897 (p.176) - Johanni MILLER, born 08-Sep-1828 in "Baden,
- Buried 24-Jan-1904 (p.179) - Editha SCHNEIDER, 2 years old
- 02-Apr-1904 (p.179) - Mathias KAUFMAN, buried on the 5th, age 85 years 7
- 15-Sep-1905 (p.180) - Maria Anna MYER, widow, buried on the 17th, age 61
years 8 months 10 days
- 10-Jul-1908 (p.181) - Magdalena WILLICK, wife of Jacobi WILLICK, buried
- 22-Apr-1909 (p.181) - Joseph WILLICK, buried 26-Apr, age 55
- Buried 24-Jul-1914 (p.182) - Barbara WILLICK, widow of Andreae TRENDEL,
died 21-Jul, born 05-Dec-1849
Item 4 - Deaths, 1946-1957
This section of the microfilm contains street address information that might
still apply to living individuals. In accordance with my privacy
policy, I have not transcribed onto this web page the street address information.
In the death records:
- 14-Aug-1948 (p.250) - Dennis SCHNEIDER, age 6 weeks
- 28-Dec-1949 (p.250) - Mrs. Anna WILLICK, age 88
- 26-Dec-1952 (p.250) - William WILLICK, age 82
- 12-May-1953 (p.250) - John SCHIHL, age 89
- 02-Apr-1956 (p.251) - Mrs. Catherine SCHNEIDER, age 78, buried 05-Apr
- 03-Jun-1956 (p.251) - Jacob WILLICK, age 81, buried 06-Jun
- 25-May-1958 (p.121#8) - Peter SCHNEIDER
- Buried 25-May at St. Joseph Cemetery
- Address: Chippewa Ontario
- Daughter: Mrs. John COLLEE
- 16-Nov-1962 (p.121#19) - Mrs. Mary WILLICK, age 91
- Buried 19-Nov
- Parent or spouse: Mrs. F. BRUNNING
- 02-Mar-1963 (p.121#23) - Benjamin SNIDER (no age given)
- Address: Stevensville Ont
- Parent or spouse: Mrs. B. SNIDER
- 19-Feb-1965 (p.122#29) - Mrs. Matilda SCHNEIDER, age 71
- Address: Welland
- Parent or spouse: John SCHNEIDER
- 04-Jun-1965 (p.122#31) - Mrs. Mary SCHIHL, age 95
- Buried 07-Jun
- Address: Niagara Falls Ont
- Daughter: Mrs. Henry DURLIAT
- 05-Jan-1968 (p.122#40) - Peter A. WILLICK, age 82
- Buried 08-Jan
- Address: Welland
- 08-Dec-1968 (p.122#46) - Cecilia J. SCHNEIDER, age 75
- Buried 11-Dec
- Address: Welland
- Husband: Fred SCHNEIDER
- 09-Sep-1970 (p.123#57) - John Louis SCHNEIDER, age 83
- Buried 12-Sep
- Address: Welland
- Son: Louis SCHNEIDER
- 29-May-1971 (p.123#63) - Christine SCHNEIDER, age 76
- Buried 02-Jun
- Address: Stevensville
- Parent or spouse: Mrs. Roy LESDAU
- 01-Aug-1971 (p.123#64) - Philip WILLICK, age 86
- Buried 03-Aug
- Address: Chippawa
- Parent or spouse: Mrs. Mary WILLICK
- 03-Dec-1971 (p.123#66) - Lawrence DAUDELIN, age 64
- Buried 06-Dec
- Address: Stevensville
- Parent or spouse: Mrs. L. Daudelin
- 30-May-1972 (p.124) - John WILLICK, age 88
- Buried 02-Jun
- Address: Stevensville
- Parent or spouse: Mrs. Catherine WILLICK
- 02-Jun-1972 (p.124) - Clara Agnes WILLICK, age 83
- Buried 05-Jun
- Address: Niagara Falls
- Parent or spouse: Mr. Lloyd WILLICK
- 01-Dec-1973 (p.125) - Loretta M. COLLEE, age 59
- Buried 04-Dec
- Address: Pt. Robinson Ont.
- Son: James COLLEE
- 18-Jun-1975 (p.125) - Fred SCHNEIDER, age 82
- Buried 21-Jun
- Address: Niagara Falls
- 29-Aug-1982 (p.128) - Raymond Keith SCHNEIDER, age 28
- Buried 01-Sep
- Address: Stevensville
- Parent or spouse: Teresa SCHNEIDER
- 18-Nov-1983 (p.128) - Louis SCHNEIDER, age 55
- Buried 21-Nov
- Address: Stevensville Ont
- Wife: Alice SCHNEIDER
Item 6 - Sacred Heart League
The records of the Sacred Heart League include these death dates:
- 08-Aug-1882 - Anna Maria BLUNDY
- 11-Oct-1882 - John WILLICK
- 11-May-1883 - Magdalena TRENDLE
- 02-Jun-1883 - Anna KAUFMANN
- 28-Jul-1883 - Anton SEIFERT
- 07-Mar-1884 - A. Maria PAULY
- 14-Jan-1885 - Philip NAU
- 12-Apr-1885 - John WILLICK
- 22-Apr-1885 - Barbara WILLICK
- 03-May-1886 - Barbara SCHMUTZER
- 05-Feb-1889 - Cath. BLUNDY
- 14-Oct-1892 - Elenora WILLICK
- 12-Mar-1902 - Barbara KOABEL
Web Page Information
at http://www.tbaytel.net/bmartin/forterie.htm.
I believe that these are Episcopalian church records.
- 27-Mar-1838 - Stephen SNIDER of the Township of Bertie, Bachelor, and Elizabeth
RICE of the same place, Spinster, were married, the banns being duly published,
on the twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and thirty eight by me John Anderson Rector of Waterloo In the presence
of William Barnum and Adam Snider Senr.
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