Death Index, 1787-1882
By Rosa Raiman
and Instructions
Introduction and Instructions
T-V W-Z, Misc.
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On the following pages you will find a list deaths from the village of Soufflenheim,
Alsace, for the years 1787 through 1882. The list contains almost seven thousand
This index is the work of Rosa Raiman, who spent many months compiling it from
LDS FHL Microfilm records, completing the work in December, 2004. We believe
this is a comprehensive list of every death available on microfilm during that
period. The data was converted into web pages by Brian J. Smith, who is also
the author of this introduction.
If you find names here that are of interest you, we recommend that you look
up the original microfilm record at any Family History Center. You will find
additional information not contained in this index. No doubt you may also discover
some errors, for which we apologize. The source documents were handwritten and
often difficult to read, so no doubt some errors crept in during transcription.
A few notes:
- The data is arranged alphabetically by the surname of the deceased individual.
- The microfilm records for Soufflenheim are incomplete. Some pages are missing,
and many are difficult to read, especially prior to about 1810. This resulted
in gaps in this index. The years 1863 through 1869 are missing altogether,
because they are not available on FHL microfilm.
- During the years 1794 through 1805, France used a different calendar, the
"French Republican Calendar." This index uses the prefix "FR:"
to indicate dates from that calendar, which are written in year-month-day
format. For example, the date "FR:11-Prai-16" is the 16th day of
the month of Prairial in the year 11. In the traditional calendar, that was
the 5th of June, 1803.
- For more about the French Republican Calendar, refer to this web page:
- The following LDS FHL microfilms are the source of the data in this index:
- Church records: Registres paroissiaux, 1743-1793 Eglise catholique.
St-Michel (Soufflenheim, Bas-Rhin)
- FHL INTL Film 740080: Baptêmes 1748-1792 -- mariages 1743-1754,
1783-1792 -- sépultures 1783-1793.
- Civil Records: Soufflenheim (Bas-Rhin), Registres de l'état civil,
- FHL INTL Film 740030: Décès 1793-1821
- FHL INTL Film 740031: Décès 1822-1842
- FHL INTL Film 740032: Décès 1843-1862
- FHL INTL Film 1165394: Décès, publications de mariage
- FHL INTL Film 1733867: Décès 1873-août 1878
- FHL INTL Film 1733868 Item 1: Décès août 1878-1882
- For more about the Family History Library and its microfilm system, please
refer to their website:
- In the tables that follow, the "Source" column identifies which
microfilm records are the source:
- Source "1A" indicates the burial records of the Catholic Church
of Saint Michael in Soufflenheim, FHL microfilm 740080.
- Source "1B" indicates the civil records of Soufflenheim.
- In the tables that follow, the "Rec. #" column refers to the page
number and/or record number within each year. In some cases the pages wre
numbered in the original records. In other cases the records are numbered,
usually starting over with # 1 at the beginning of each new year. You might
find this information helpful to locate the original record on microfilm.
- For a sample of an actual marriage record (which is similar in format to
a death record) and its translation, take a look at the "Marriage
Record of Joseph Voegele and Catherine Miller - February 1, 1821."
For questions and comments about this index, you are welcome to contact Rosa
Raiman or Brian J. Smith. If you have information to add or a correction to
make, we would be glad to receive it.
The e-mail address for Brian J. Smith is 
The e-mail address for Rosa Raiman is 
See Also:
- On this website:
- On other websites:
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