Hottviller - Names from Microfilm Records
Compiled by Brian J. Smith

See also (on this site):
    Genealogy Site Map

Hottviller is a village in Moselle (Lorraine), France.

On this page, microfilm numbers and film numbers refer to FHL catalog numbers. For more information, see Family History Library (FHL).

This page lists names found in the Hottviller microfilm records. My search of these microfilm reels is neither complete nor thorough. I searched only for the names that appear in the Catholic Church records of Welland County, Ontario, and in particular for my SCHNEIDER ancestors. I did find the name SCHNEIDER in the Hottviller records, but not my SCHNEIDER ancestors. I discovered that the SCHIEL (or SCHIHL) family of Welland County, although not ancestors of mine, originated in Hottviller. After searching these records, I found my SCHNEIDER ancestors in the village of Nousseviller-lès-Bitche, which about 4 km from Hottviller.

I have preserved my findings on this page for future reference, and to assist other researchers. I have only recorded names of interest to me, such as SCHNEIDER. I have not recorded every instance of these surnames.

If some of the dates on this page look strange, such as "08-Pluv-y.6," it is because they are from the French Republican Calendar.

Hottviller Emigration

Kathleen Molcan, in an Aug-2005 e-mail, identified the following Hottviller residents as emigrated to Allegheny County, Pennsylvania:


Microfilm 1899840 - Hottviller

Item 1 is not Hottviller

Item 2 is not Hottviller

Item 3 - Hottviller - Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1792-y.9


Item 4 - Hottviller - Births, Marriages, Deaths, y.10-1812


Item 5 - Hottviller - Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1813-1825



Microfilm 1899841 - Hottviller

Item 1 - Hottviller - Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1825-1827



Item 2 - Hottviller - Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1828-?


Other Births

Several records are inserted between the years 1830 and 1831. Perhaps they are related to emigration applications. Here is information from a couple of them:




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