Uhlwiller, Bas-Rhin, Alsace - Families and Names from Records
Compiled by Brian J. Smith - August, 2002

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    Genealogy Site Map

On this page, microfilm numbers and film numbers refer to FHL catalog numbers. For more information, see Family History Library (FHL).

I searched the microfilm records of Uhlwiller, a village in Bas-Rhin (Alsace), France, hoping to find a record of my ancestors John Ott and Mary Ann Meder or perhaps my ancestors Peter Schneider and Barbara Klein. In the town records, I found many people named SCHNEIDER and MAEDER, but few named OTT or KLEIN. I did not find a record of my ancestors there. Therefore, I believe that my ancestors did not originate in Uhlwiller.

Nevertheless, I have preserved my findings on this page for future reference, and to assist other researchers. I have only recorded names of interest to me -- SCHNEIDER, MAEDER, OTT, and KLEIN. I have not recorded every instance of these surnames.

FHL Microfilm 0767913 - Uhlwiller - Tables Décennales (Ten-Year Indexes) 1793-1862

Births, y.1-y.10

Births, 1813-1822

Births, 1823-1832

Marriages, y.11-1812

Marriages, 1813-1822

Marriages, 1823-1832


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