Ship Passenger Lists:
Immigrants from Alsace (and Elsewhwere) to America
See Also:
Site Map for This Genealogy
Matches and Possible Matches for the Passengers on This Page
Ship Passenger Lists: 1820-1850
Emigration and Ship Passenger Lists
Unless otherwise noted, the source for the information on this page are the
passenger list images available on-line (to paid subscribers) at
The Ships
Ship: Rhine, 1851
Ship Name: Rhine
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 28-Apr-1851
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- GAESTEL: Antoni 54, Antoine 22, George 18, Barbara 16, Elisabeth 14, Marie 24, Antoine 25; from France
-- Matches...
- MEHRMAN: Philippi 48, Elisabeth 50, Anna Maria 20, Jean 19, Elisabeth 16, Madelaine 10, Margarithe 7;
from France
-- Matches...
- KLEIN: Joseph 40, Marie 42, Joseph 17, Michel 10, Marlena 4; from France
- MULLER: Ignaz 30, Anne 22, Madelain 1-1/2; from France
- PETER: Friedrich 44; from France
- KOELL: Friedrich 18; from France
- ...
- Infants are listed separately at the end of the list, and include:
Ship: Centurion, 1851
Ship Name: Centurion
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 21-Aug-1851
These are some of the passengers:
- RICHARD: Madelaine 60?; from France
- KLOEPFER: Alexander 2, Emil 10 months; from France
- GOETZ: Xavier 29; from France
- OBERGEN?: Anna M 30; from France
- GOTZ: Barbara 34, Elizabeth 9, Matilda? 7, Kath 5, Theressia 2; from France
- HAUSEN: Anna M 22; from France
- DAUL: Magdaline 19; from France
- GOTZ: Nathern? 19; from France
Ship: Caroline and Mary Clark, 1851
Ship Name: Caroline and Mary Clark
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 08-Nov-1851
These are some of the passengers:
- SCHMIDT: Joseph 27; from France #1
- BLOCK: George 22; from France #2
- ROGIER: Benjamin 27?; from France #3
- KRAUTMEHR: Urbain 30; from France #4
- ...
- MEYER: Lemle? 30; from France #9
- SCHMUCK: Xavier 23, Bernhard 19, Therese 21; from France #10
-- Matches...
- BOEHLER: Antoine 19; from France #13
- MARIE: Marianne 22; from France #14
- KIEFER: Margaretha 22; from France #15 (this entry is crossed out)
- ...
- MARTIN: Jean 23; from France #187
- STEBLEN: Aloys 21; from France #188
- GERARD: Christine 24, Marie 18; from France #189
- ...
- SCHENK: Bernard 30, Franz 60, Xaver 22, Catherine 28, Marianne 24; from France #238 -- Matches...
- STEBEL: Louis 20; from France #243 -- Matches...
- EBERLE: Catherine 24; from France #244
- ...
- MICHEL: Nicolas 40; from France #259
- ERESMANN: Marie 19; from France #260
- SECHE: August 24; from France #261
- DUFOUR: Silvain 32; from France #262
- MICHEL: Idul? 34; from France #263
- LECOCQ: Anton 24; from France #264
- DORNBERGER: Florentz 22; from France #265
- LACHAUME: Caroline 25; from France #266
- PIERRON: George 4; from France #267
- RIECHIT: Victor 8; from France #268
- SERFASS: Peter 31, Christine 31; from France #269
- HAHN: Catherine 62; from France #271
- ...
- GLEISS: Philipp 47, Louise 45, Philipp 17, Catharina 15, Jacob 13, Christian 9, Georg 3; from France #278
- FEHR: Ludwig 16; from France #285
- METTER: Christine 17; from France #286
- BARRICANT: Nicolaus 17, Jacob 30; from France #287
- WEBER: Philipp 40; from France #289
- BACH: Caroline 36; from France #290
- WEBER: Caroline 7, Philipp 5, Christine 3; from France #291
- MARTIN: Henry 27, Catharina 23; from France #294
- HELMSTADTER: Christine 24; from France #296
- MIECHLER: Philipp 23; from France #297
- MERKING: Martin 39; from France #298
- WAGNER: Elisabeth 36, Hans 9, Jacob 8, Peter 5, Antony 2, Peter 15; from France #299
- UHL: Matthias 43; from France #305
- ...
Ship: Admiral, 1851
Ship Name: Admiral
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 10-Nov-1851
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- WALTHER: Blasius 24; from Bavaria
- KERNER: Marie 28; from Bavaria
- FAEPP: Barbara 22; from Bavaria
- BRAUN: Melanie 21; from Bavaria
- STRAUB: Marguer. 48; from Bavaria
- GUTH: Jacob 42, Therese 45, Georges 17, Marguer. 11, Dorothea 4, Caroline 7, Magdal. 1/2; from Bavaria
- JOACHEM: Jacob 24; from Bavaria
-- Matches...
- BRAUN: Celestin 20; from Bavaria
- BALL: Catherine 20; from Bavaria
-- Matches...
- WEINGARTNER: Boris? 23; from Bavaria
- HAEFELE: Louis 21; from Bavaria
- HANDERER: Damian 20; from Bavaria
- DORBAG: Jacques 19; from Bavaria
- MIDER: Joseph 20, Michel 23; from Bavaria
- BANTER: Henry 38; from Bavaria
- FINK: Georges 23; from Bavaria
- MACH: Barbara 21; from Bavaria
- ...
Ship: Rhine, Jan-1852
Ship Name: Rhine
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 10-Jan-1852
These are some of the passengers:
- HILLER: Cassius? 56; from France
- LEFEVRE: Louis 25; from France
- LIEGOL?: Georg 28; from France
-- Matches...
- ZUCK: Joseph 27; from France
-- Matches...
- SCHAUB: Madelaine 28; from France
-- Matches...
- PFOL: Genevieve 18, Christine 24; from France
-- Matches...
- RAUCH: Anton 20; from France
- ...
Ship: Samuel M Fox, 1852
Ship Name: Samuel M Fox
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 13-Mar-1852
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- HENG: Joseph 42, Anna 33, Anna 4, Joseph 1/2; from France
- COUTRIERE: Louis 34, Jacob 28; from France
- BOURCHY: Christian 26; from France
- MULLER: Auguste 20; from France
- WELTY: Christian 32; from France
- GERMANN: Johann 21; from France
- KERN: Michel 24; from France
- MEYER: Jacob 38; from France
- SILT: Thibodeore 28; from France
- MICHEL: Michel 24; from France
- HAPP: John 24; from France
- DUFRAISE: Francoize 62, Delphine 28; from France
- CHAMEAU: Pierre 29; from France
- BIEHN: Joseph 18; from France
-- Matches...
- HOUBSCH: Jacob 20; from France
- MARAWER: Christ 28; from France
- BAUMANN: Frederic 22; from France
- MAYORA: Catherine 20; from France
- PETERMANN: Edward 31, Rose 30, Eugene 3/12; from France
- HARQUINN: Theodore 35; from France
- DERE: Jacques 22; from France
- ...
Ship: Albert Gallatin, 1852
Ship Name: Albert Gallatin
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 30-Apr-1852
These are some of the passengers:
- HANS: Jacob 19, from France
- CONRAD: Georg 28, Cathrina 24, Maria 21, from France
- GEORG: Adam 20, from France
- SCHMITT: Georg 60, Maria 25, from France
- LISS?: Jacob 29, Anna 29, from France
- SCHIFFMANN, Jacques 37, from France
- BOUVIER: Jn. Claude 33, from France
- HUGUENARD?: P. Francois 43, Maria 35, Xavier 13, from France
- SORDELET: H__enn? 25, from France
- ROUSSEY: Fr. Xavier 27, from France
- RIEGER: Frederic 19, from France
- HABERMEHL: Georg 31, Anna Maria 22, from France
- HEYDZ?: Catherina 24, from Bavaria
- PFISTER: Jean Peter 47, Marguerite 46. Elisabeth 21, Catherine 19, Marie
10, Salome 9, Sophie 7, Rudolph 5, from Bavaria?
- ROTH: Jacques 37 , from Bavaria?
- CLAUS: Carl 47, Elisabeth 40, Carl 18, Joseph 10, Matthias 8, Georg 6, Bermard
4, Catherine 3, from Bavaria? -- Matches...
- MULLER: Louis 32, from Bavaria?
- CLAUS: Matthias 82?, from Bavaria? -- Matches...
- FISCHER: Cathrina 35, from Bavaria? -- Matches...
- ROTH: Marianne 27, Henriette 8, Sophie 6, Francisca 4, from Bavaria
- LORENZ: Ambrose 17, from France
- JAEGER: Johann 19, Georg 19, from France
- HAUK: Jacob 17, from Baden
- ...
- STRASSER: Antoine 52, Louis 27, Julie 21, Ferdinand 24, Antoine 22, from
France -- Matches...
- LORTRECH?: Marianne 18
- ...
- SPEIDEL: Jacob 56, Carl 20, Jacob 17, from Bade
- WAGNER: Christian 37, Sophie 27, Henry 15, Philippe 16, Catherine 2, from
- SHMUTE?: C Aug? 36, from Bade
- ARTH: Eva 29, Michel 3, from France
- WALTHER: Martin 18, from France
- PHILIPP: Jacob? 18, from France
- ROOS: Madeleine 25, from France
- SCHERER?: Adam 29?, Rosine 32, Caroline 4, Cathrine 2, from Bade
- SCHAEFER: Bernard 62, from Bade
- JUNG: Jacob 34, Christian 24, from Bade
- STEIN: Christian 20, Frederic 17, from Bade
- OTRONBUSSER?: George 40, Magdalena 39, Franz 14, Len 4, Cahrina 17, Friedrika
6, from Bade
- CLAUS: Mathias 53, Madelaine 40, Mathias 17, Martin 16, Madelaine 22, Gerg
8, from Bavaria -- Matches...
- MAY (MAYER?): Franz 28, from Bavaria
- WESBECK: Jacques 28, from Bavaria
- VITTER?: Martin 36, Marie? 32, Cathrine 37?, Adam 42, Dorothea 40, Elisabeth
9, Dorthea 8, from Bavaria
- ...
- VOGELE: Michael? 37, Cathrine 35, from Bavaria?
- ...
Ship: Compromise, 1852
Ship Name: Compromise
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 12-Jun-1852
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- JACOB: George 22, Salome 23; from France
- BAUER: Michel 24, George 16; from France
- SCHWEICKART: Daniel 21; from France
- SEEBACH: George 23; from France
- FUCHS: Joseph 23; from France
- KOLL: Nicolaus 18; from France
- WINKLER: Jacques 50, Amalie 37, Ferdinand 23, Francois 21, Pierre 19; from France
- FISCHWENGER: Madeline 21; from France
- HERR: Jacob 40, Regine 32, Catherine 9, Elisabeth 5, Rosine 4mos.; from France
- MULLER: Rosine 25; from France
- DEISCHLER?: Rosine 60; from France
- DOTZAUER: Pierre 27; from France
- ...
- BIEHN: Johann 32, Theresa 30, Michel 3, M.Eva 2 (died), Therese 20; from France
-- Matches...
- M.Eva age 2 died 08-June during voyage
- ...
- BECK: Nicolaus 28; from France
- ALBRECHT: Barbara 33, Barbara 11?, Marie 9, Xavier 2mos.; from France
- OSWALD: Anton 22; from France
- KNAPP: George 36, Sophie Marie 30, Julie 9, Oscar 4, Lucia 3, Lucy 1/2; from France
- DUBOIS: Virgile 26 (female); from France
- KNAPP: M. Madeline 12; from France
- SCHNEIDER: Louis 43, Ann Marie 40; from France
- UHL: Anselm 20, George 25; from France
- ...
- LEINHARD: Madeleine 20; from France
- GROSS: Henry 42, Dorothea 41, Henry 14, Philippe 12, Sophie 3; from France
- KERN, Fr. Joseph 19; from France
- BERGER: Philippe 18; from France
- SCHWEITZER: Andre 22; from France
- GABRIEL: Johann 42, Caroline 29; from France
- HUTREL: Elizabeth 30; from France
- LAIS: Jacob 56, Anna Maria 53, Theobalt 27, Anna Maria 24, Barbara 17, Peter 15, Catharine 4; from France
- STEINER: Jacob 57; from France
-- Matches...
- STENGEL: Frederic 30; from France
- WALTER: Martin 41, Christine 35, Marguerite 12; from France
-- Matches...
- GÖTZ: Matthias 25; from France
- KORNMANN: Josephine 21, Therese 20; from France
-- Matches...
- WALTER: Andre 46, Barbara 42, Philippe 13, Barbara 11, Madelaine 9, Caroline 7mos.; from France
-- Matches...
- GEISLER: Jean 28, Andre 3; from France
- STEINER: Dorothea 20; from France
-- Matches...
- MOOG: Valentin 25; from France
-- Matches...
- ...
- SCHNEIDER: Melchior? 46, Marguerite 42, Maria 18, Marguerite 16; from France
- MOSER: Bernard 26; from France
- GENDER: Anna Maria 17; from France
- SCHMETZER: Fr. Joseph 58, Anna Barb. 57, M. Madeline 24; from France
- MARKERT: Anna 30; from France
- ZOLLER: George 19; from France
- FRIES: Anna (no age given); from France
- EGLOFF: J. Niclaus 20; from France
- ...
- FRESSE: Joseph 45, Rosalie? 37, Louis 18, Sigmund? 7; from France
- SCHMIDT: Jacob 38; from France
- OSWALD: Jacob 16; from France
- BEISWINGER: Georg 28, Jacob 18; from France
- KNECHT: Jacoline 25; from France
- BRANDER: Joh. Ann 28; from France
- ARNOLD: Anna 17; from France
- KAISER: Maria 27; from France
- BAYER: Frederic 25; from France
- HERON: Pierre 22, Auguste 26; from France
- DARD: Charles 46, Anne Randall? 41, Charles 4, Francoise 2mos; from France
- FURBERT?: Edward 23, Jenny 29; from France
- ...
- DURN: Pierre 60, Caroline 21; from France
- ...
Ship: Rhine, Aug-1852
Ship Name: Rhine
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 07-Aug-1852
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- SENSENBRENER: Michel 18, Jacobi 16; from Bade #253 -- Matches...
- DAUL: Maria 24; from Bade #255
- ...
Ship: New York, 1852
Ship Name: New York
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 17-Dec-1852
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- BURKELS: Elisab. 25, Friedch. 23, Benjamin; from France
- HAFER: Friedch. 21; from France
- MIRA?: Wilhema? 24, Edward 31; from France
- HANGMANN: Marie 40; from France
- SCHWARZ: Mariane? 18, Rudolph 5; from France
- BURGES: Therese 26, Rudolph 1/2; from France
- WERNER: Grover 36, Dorothee 32, Fritz 10, Sophie 2/4; from France
- FIX: Georges 53, Marie Ann 24, Elisab 21, Ferdinand 13; from France -- Matches...
- PHILIPPUS: M. Anne 36; from France
- FIX: Caroline 1; from France
- ...
- BRUGNAN: Carl 18; from France
- PERRES: Louis 17; from France
- FANDLE?: Georges 21, Franz 22; from France
- BONMARSHAL: Anne 24; from France
- WERNER? or MESSNER?: Peter 24, Seraphine 22, Marie 8, Marie 4, Hermann 2/4; from France
- __ARSH?: Anton 27; from France
- EBERLE: Marie 23; from France
- WEBER: Friedch. 34; from France
- CHIER?: Jean 26; from France
- WERNER? or MESSNER?: Jacob 37, Caroline 31, Margret 34, Marie 10, Georges 9, Marie 8, Margret 37; from France
- SCHENK: Thomas? 30; from France
- ...
- SCHENK: Sebast. 33, Agathe 26, Benjamin? 2, Cathar. 22, Sebastian 6, Albert 5, Franzisca 1-1/4; from France
- ...
Ship: Mary Annah, 1853
Ship Name: Mary Annah
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 05-Feb-1853
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- STACKBEL: Francis 24; from Germany
-- Matches...
- MEYER: Mathias 17; from Germany
- CASPER: Magt 20; from Germany
- ...
Ship: Irene, 1853
Ship Name: Irene
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 09-Feb-1853
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- BAGARD: Joseph 32, Marguerite 26, Maria 3, Joseph 2; from France
- PIERRON: Jean 44, Catherine 34, Colestine 15, Michel 7, Eugenia 5; from France
- GOTZ: Ignaz 20, Jean 12; from France
-- Matches...
- SCHMUCK: Anton 22; from France
-- Matches...
- KEHRES: Madelaine 26; from France
- ...
Ship: Finland, 1853
Ship Name: Finland
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 23-Apr-1853
These are some of the passengers:
- SCHNEIDER: Nicolas 29; from France
- BOURG: Francois 28; from France
-- Matches...
- GOLDITÉ: Catherine 19; from France
-- Matches...
- DECKER: Caspar 31; from France
- HUGEL: Christine 17; from France
- HORNER: Barbe 18; from France
- ROSENBERGER: George 49; from France
- LOTH: Pierre 31, Laurent 28; from France
- CLAUSTER: Nicolas 30; from France
- PETITJEAN: Gregorie 23; from France
- GROSS: Frederic 20; from France
Ship: Liberty, 1853
Ship Name: Liberty
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 31-May-1853
These are some of the passengers:
- HENRY: M 22; from France
- BALL: J 18, Christine 27, Franz 2; from France
- SCHNEDI (SCHNEIDER?): M 27; from France
- LUSTY: M 40, Elise 30, Elise 5, Jacob 3, Regine ("Inf"); from France
- LISIN: B 30; from France
- LEY: R 30; from France
- HUBERT: M 22; from France
- ROTH: R 20; from France
- GANLOFF (GANGLOFF?): G 29, Plein 5, Catherine 3, Hom 3, Rosine 2; from France
- WILERMAN?: P 62; from France
- ROTH: M 62; from France
- WILTMANN: 28 28; from France
- ...
Ship: St. Nicolas, 1853
Ship Name: St. Nicolas
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 27-Aug-1853
These are some of the passengers:
- BALL: Joseph 44, Catherine 47, Bartholome 19, Joseph 16, Ulrich 14,
Maria 10, Carolina 18, Bernhard 5, Veronica 2; from France #168
-- Matches...
- DETLING: Frederic 25; from France #177
- SCHUSTENHEIM: Barbara 23; from France #178
Ship: Susan Hinks, 1853
Ship Name: Susan Hinks
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 28-Aug-1853
These are some of the passengers:
- GERWIG: Jacob 41, Madelaine 42, Henri 16, Georg 9, Frederic 8, Louis 4; from France #1
- NORTH: Michel 38; from France #7
- WOLF: Jacob 47, Madeleine 68, Marguerithe 63, Jacob 15; from France #8
- FECHER: Joseph 34; from France #12
- MOLK or HOLK: Regina 26; from France #13
- SCHMIDT: Johann 20; from France #14
- QUIRIN: Guillaume 20; from France #15
- BLOCK: Rosine 18 or 48, Marie 21; from France #16
- ...
- VOGELE: Antoine 60, Marie 25, Madeleine 23, Catherine 18, Eleanore 14, Bernard 9; from France #20
-- Matches...
- HELMER: Charles 19; from France #26 -- Matches...
- MAI: Michael 29, Jeanne 27; from France #27 -- Matches...
- MAI: Marie 19; from France #29 -- Matches...
- ADAM: Catherine 58; from France #30 -- Matches...
- ...
- SCHLOSSER: Bernard or Eduard 20; from France #74
- BAUMMER: Lorenz 32, Marie 26, Joseph 2-1/2; from France #75
- SCHLOSSER: Rosine 50, Madelaine 14; from France #78
- HERSCHAFT: Francois 22; from France #80
- ...
- MUNTSCH: Pierre 36, Catherine 34; from France #135
- ...
- ARNITH?: Xavier 38; from France #142
- SCHWEIGER: Charles Auguste 29; from France #143
- OTH: Charles 53; from Hesse #144
- SOLOMON: Maurice 41, Adele 34; from France #145
- ...
- STAHLING: Anton 35, Christine 24; from France #244
- NAVELET: Friedreich 36, Barbara 36, Adam 26, Sophie 9, Georg 8, Nicolaus 4; from France #246
- STADLER: Georg 31, Catherine 33, Michel 11, Jacob 9, Angelike 7, Elisabeth 3; from France #252
- HAHN: Joh. Adam 25; from France #258
- SCHMIDT: Philippe 21; from France #259
- MERZ: Catherine 23; from France #260
- COLET: Jean 32, Gertrud 28, Elise 6, Julie 4; from France #261
- ...
- HABER, Bernice 24; from France #306
- SCHULE: Joseph 21; from France #307
- ...
Ship: Screamer, 1853
Ship Name: Screamer
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 18-Oct-1853
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- JAECK: E 37 (male), M 35 (female), F 14 (male), V 8 (male), L 3 (male); from Germany -- Matches...
- ...
Ship: Pacific, 1853
Ship Name: Pacific
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 24-Oct-1853
These are some of the passengers, including every passenger from France:
- BAUER: George 30, Dorothee 36, Salome 6, Louisa 4, George 2, Frederic 5mos.; from France #1
- SPITTLER: Salome 20, Geoffrai 18; from France #7
- KLEIDORN: Frideric 17; from France #9
- LEINING: Madeleine 18; from France #10
- TRAUTMANN: Louise 31; from France #11
- KOCH: ___ 43, Elisabeth 8; from France #12
- KERNER: Jean 23, Emile 3-1/2, Eugeni 2-12; from Baden #14
- ...
- MOSER: Catherine 43, Joseph 75? or 25?, August 3; from France #21
- SCHNEIDER: Elisabeth 61, Louis 20, Louise 8, Christine 6, Elisabeth 4, Jerome 1-1/2; from France #25
- WEGWANG: Jn George 31, Marie 22; from France #31
- EISENSCHMID: Louise 29, Louise 63; from France #33 -- Matches...
- MUELLER: Peter 29; from France #35
- LAUPER: Madeleine 28; from France #36
- EDIGHOFFER: Catherine 21; from France #37
- HEINZ: Regina 30; from France #38
- SCHELLHORN: Catherine 16; from France #39
- HEINRICK: Pierre 31, Madeleine 24, Marguerite 2, Pierre 7 mos.; from France #40
- KOBEL: Madeleine 41; from France #44
- REINLAND: Joseph 65; from France #45
- ...
- BASLER: Joseph 29, Josephine 21, Caspar 28; from France #100
- ...
- RUTHLER? or BUCHLER?: Ignace 46, Theresea 40; from France #118
- ...
- SONNER? or LONNER?: Catharine 27, Madeleine 35?; from France #174
- WEBER: Michael 28? or 13?; from France #176
- WILHELM: Joseph 19; from France #177
- NEUBRAHN?: Maria 22; from France #178
- BABINGER: Louis 27; from France #179 -- Matches...
- HAHN: George 25; from France #180
- WILHEM: Jacob 46, Marianne 38, Madeleine 17, Eva 14, Henri 10, Jacob 8, Marianne 5-1/2, Catherine 4, Michel 11mos.; from France #181 -- Matches...
- WOLF: Pierre 54, Catherine 48, Catherine 23, Pierre 18; from France #190 -- Matches...
- KEHRER: Jean 30, Catherine 30; from France #194
- SCHMUCK: Caroline 23; from France #196 -- Matches...
- GOETZ: Mathias; from France #197 -- Matches...
- MAY: Solomon 18; from France #198 -- Matches...
- STOECHRY?: Sebastian 20; from France #199
- WERNER: Nicolas 28; from France #200
- MOLL?: Fr. George 23; from France #201
- WAHLER: Carl 22; from France #202
- WEININGER: Lena 16; from France #203
- HEINZ: Frederic 32, Madelaine 26, Frederic 6, Catherine 4, Madeleine 2, George 6mos.; from France #204
- SILL: Suzanne 20; from France #210
- FRAENKLI?: Landolin 37, Caroline 33, Marie 9, Auguste 7, Rudolphe 4, Amelia 6mosSILL: Suzanne 20; from France #211
- ...
- ZELLWOCH: Augustin 40, Joseph 9; from France #308 -- Matches...
- EBERHARD: Jacques 40; from France #310
- SCHROANDER: Joseph; from France #311
- LIEWI? Crisentia 25; from France #312
- ...
Ship: Tropic, 1853
Ship Name: Tropic
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 30-Dec-1853
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- GASSER: Johann 22; from France #132
- STEPHANN, Jacob 24; from France #133
- ...
- BECKER: Christian 47, Anna 46, Marianne 16, Marguerite 11; from France #145
- ...
- KIEFER: Louis 30; from France #213
- SCHALL: Jacques 38; from France #214
- ROYER: Jacques? 38; from France #215
- STRACK: Amalia 37, Regine 8, Michel 5, Louise 11mos. -- Matches...
Ship: Susan E Howell, 1854
Ship Name: Susan E Howell
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 11-Jan-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- BREMIER: Madelaine 23; from France
- GOETZ: Martin 21; from France -- Matches...
- JAECK: Catherine 28; from France -- Matches...
- HOEN: Antoine 20; from France -- Matches...
- SUDDER: Philippe 21; from France
- ...
Ship: Milan, 1854
Ship Name: Milan
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New Orleans
Arrival Date: 17-Jan-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- SCHAEFFER: Nicolas 66; from France #332
- HELGEL: Thomas 55; from Bade #333
- MARTEL: Adam 43, Elisabeth 38, Dorothee 9, Marcus 8, Marguerite 5, Barbara 3; from France #334
- STRICKER: Michel 43, Marguerite 42, Marguerite 16, Catherine 14, Anna Marie 9, Jacob 7, Sebastien 4, Barbara 9mos.; from France #340 -- Matches...
- FAVORE: Francois 33, Marie Therese 34, Louis Constant 4, Maria Rosalie 9mos., Andre 62; from France #348
- ...
Ship: Heidelberg, 1854
Ship Name: Heidelberg
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 17-May-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- DURLIAT: M. Anne 25; from France, passenger #86
- ...
- GAS: Joseph 29; from Wuertemburg, passeger #551
- ...
- CASPAR: Michel 19; from France, passenger #575
- ...
- WALTER: Georges 20, Marguerite 30, Marie Anne 7, Francois 5, Marguerite
3, Therese 1/2; from France, passengers #612-617 -- Matches...
- KNITTEL: Elisabeth 41, Joseph 3, Marie 16?; from France, passengers #618-620
-- Matches...
- KUNTZ: Madeleine 13; from France, passenger #621
- PHILIPPS: Jean 36, Catherine 33, Jean 12, Marie Anne 10, Caroline 8, Rosine
6, Aloise 5, Martin 2, Catherine 3/4; from France, passengers #622-630 --
- SUTTEL: M.Eve 28, Philippe Jean 35; from France, passenger #631-632
- SCHWARZ: Catherine 53; from France, passenger #633 -- Matches...
- PHILIPPS: Georges 28, Marie Anne 26; from France,
passengers #634-635 -- Matches...
- PHILIPPS: Marie Anne 26, Barbe 24; from France,
passengers #636-637 -- Matches...
- Two women in a row have the same name and age: Marie Anne PHILIPPS 26
- LUX: Jean 21, Marguerithe 30; from France, passengers #638-639
- BUCHMANN: Anne Marie? 24; from France, passenger #640
- ULM: Marguerithe 18; from France, passenger #641 -- Matches...
- FIX: Antoine 39; from France, passenger #642 -- Matches...
- LORENZ: Antoine 37; from France, passenger #643 -- Matches...
- GASPER: Marguerite 19, Therese 38; from France, passengers #644-645 --
- WEISS: Anne Marie 24, Jean Adam 16; from France, passengers #646-647 --
- STELL: Michel 33; from France, passenger #648 -- Matches...
- WEISS: Bernard 30; from France, passenger #649 -- Matches...
- BECKER: Martin 24; from France, passenger #650 -- Matches...
- EISENMINGER: Martin 18; from France, passenger #651 -- Matches...
- WAGNER: Balthazar 18; from France, passenger #652 -- Matches...
- ROTT: Georges 18; from France, passenger #653 -- Matches...
- ECKERT: Diebold 34; from France, passenger #654 -- Matches...
- MEDER: Georges 23; from France, passenger #655 -- Matches...
- BASSARD: Constantin 34; from France, passenger #656
- SCHAFFNER: Pierre 37, Elisabeth 34, Josephine 8-1/2, Nicolas 5-1/2; from
France, passengers #657-660
- HAUSSER: Augustine 2-1/2; from France, passenger #661
- SCHAFFNER: Augustine 7/12; from France, passenger #662
- HUBERT: Nicolas 67; from France, passenger #663
- CHARROT: Elenore 22; from France, passenger #664
- ...
Ship: Onward, 1854
Ship Name: Onward
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 22-May-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- KIEFFER: Joseph 36, Barbara 30, Therese 24, Josephine 5, Adelaide 9, Antoinette 3/4; from Germany -- Matches...
- MICHEL: Clement 26; from Germany
- HOEHN: Blaise 33, Josephine 30, Thomalson(?) 6, Caroline 5, Theodore 3; from Germany -- Matches...
- HOEHN: Andre 26, Caroline 20, Charles 1/2; from Germany -- Matches...
- KIEFFER: Vincent 39; from Germany -- Matches...
- LEUTENBERGER: Joseph 28, George 22, Francois 18; from Germany
- EPPLER: Jacques 27, Regina 26, Barbe 24, Ann Marie 16, Jean 10; from Germany
- MEYER: Barbe 34, Anna 38?, Madelaine 9; from Germany
- ...
Ship: Zurich, 1854
Ship Name: Zurich
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 10-Jun-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- PIAT: Joseph 54, Richard 55, Maria 18; from Bade (#189) -- Matches...
- ENGEL: Cath 31; from Bade (#192)
- GEHRING: Gg 28, Therese 25, Elisabeth 24; from Bade (#193)
- KLAIBER: Gg 44, Barb 44; from Bade (#196)
- ...
- PFAFFE: Carl 30, Anna 38, Carl 3mos.; from Bade (#207)
- SCHLEYER: Wilhelm 36; from Bade (#210)
- KAHN: Solomon 30, Sophie 24; from Bade (#211)
- EISIG: August 29, Bernh 24; from Bade (#213)
- ...
Ship: Lydia, 1854
Ship Name: Lydia
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 15-Jul-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- FEUERSTEIN: George 49, Barbe 42, Xaver 16, George 13, Carl 9, Cath 7, Marie 5, Joseph 3, Marie 3/4; from Baden, destination New York State -- Matches...
- ...
Ship: Mountaineer, 1854
Ship Name: Mountaineer
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 17-Aug-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- SPITTLER: Freidrich 59, Salome 48, Friedrich 16, Philippe 14; from France, destination New York #10
- BERNHARDT: Fr.Joseph 22; from France, destination New York #14
- ZAK: Louise 26; from France, destination New York #15
- VELZ: Aloise 29; from France, destination New York #16
- HUMMEL: Augustine 40; from France, destination New York #17
- BLEIKASTEN: Michel 24; from France, destination New York #18
- MURR: Charles 24, Amelie 16; from France, destination New York #19
- MARCHAL: Gustav 28; from France, destination New York #21
- ...
- HIMMELMANN: Henri 19; from France, destination New York #33
- ...
- LEINHARDT: George 30; from France, destination New York #105
- ZINCK: Joseph 19, Madelaine 20; from France, destination New York #106
- JUNG: Philippe 16; from France, destination New York #108
- SCHMIDT: Joseph 24; from France, destination New York #109
- VOGT: Sebastian 14, Madelaine; from France, destination New York #110
- MAISCH: Joseph 23; from France, destination New York #112
- THOMANN: Joseph 19; from France, destination New York #113
- PFISTER: Jacob 20; from France, destination New York #114
- WOFFERT: Joseph 20; from France, destination New York #115
- BARBIER: Ignace 36, Margarethe 36, Ignace 9, Josephine 7, Anton 4, Marrie 3/4; from France, destination New York #116 -- Matches...
- ...
- SCHENK: Margarite 54; from France, destination New York #168 -- Matches...
- STAEBEL: Martin 33, Therese 33, Cathrine 5, Caroline 3, Bernhard 3, Martin 3/4; from France, destination New York #169 -- Matches...
- STAEBEL: Cathrine 23; from France, destination New York #175 -- Matches...
- STADLER: Michel 40?, Elisabeth 21?, Elisabeth 10, Johann 5, Henri 3, Charlotte 4/12 #176; from France, destination New York
- GANTZ: Cathrine 51; from France, destination New York #182
- LANG: Jacob 14; from France, destination New York #183
- ...
- LEVY: Selig 18, Minette 25; from France, destination New York #296
- FRANK: Leon 18; from France, destination New York #298
- ...
Ship: Adams, 1854
Ship Name: Adams
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 24-Aug-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- MESSNER: Michel 30, Madeleine 20; from France -- Matches...
- FAIGLE: Charles 30; from France
- BRICKA: Philippe 28; from France
- RETZBACH: Johan M. 16; from France
- ...
Ship: Edgar P Stringer, 1854
Ship Name: Edgar P Stringer
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 26-Oct-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- KNITTEL: Pierre 34, Margarethe 36, Margarethe 8; from France #204
- ...
- KETTERER: Philipp 53, Madeleine 22, Salome 17, Eva 10, Dorothea 8; from France #241
- ...
- BALL: Georg 18; from France #249
- BIEHN: Jean 59, Therese 58, Pierre 18; from France #250 -- Matches...
- LUITL?: Martin 38, Madeleine 40, Therese 8, Jacob 6, Johann 4; from France #253 -- Matches...
- KOLB: Elisabeth 28; from France #258
- FIX: Catherine 23, Madeleine 30; from France #259 -- Matches...
- BALL: Madeleine 30; from France #261
- MARZOLF: George 34, Elisabeth 27, Bernhard 30; from France #262
- BALL: Jacob 18; from France #265
- KARCHER?: Apoline 37; from France #266
- DEMSINGER: Catherine 27, Johann 28; from France #267
- SCHENCK: Charles 39, Elisabeth 39, Martin 24, Carl 9, Egide 4; from France #269 -- Matches...
- HUBER: Pierre 27; from France #274
- KUNTZ: Lorenz 28; from France #275
- ...
- SINNER: Madeleine 38, Madeleine 8; from France #304
- HUBER: Catherine 48, Barbara 15, Bernhard 12, Georg 8, Michel 6; from France #306
- ...
- SONNER: Joseph 25, Elisabeth 20, Vincent 21; from France #477
- ...
Ship: Silas Greenman, 1854
Ship Name: Silas Greenman
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 21-Dec-1854
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- OBERT: Mathieu 37, Caroline 37, Charles 9, Augustin 7; #179-182 from Bavaria
- WALTER: Caroline 7, Mathis 16; #183-184 from Bavaria
- DOLL: Joseph 36; #185 from Bavaria
-- Matches...
- LIENHARD: Johann 22; #186 from Bavaria
- HELD: Joseph 18; #187 from Bade
- KIEFFER: Charles 28; #188 from Bade
- BLORHO?: Charles 54; #189 from Bade
- GRAFF: Wendelin 25; #190 from Bade
- HUND: Anton 19; #191 from Bade
- MESSNER: A. Maria 17; #192 from Bade
- ZAH: Jacob 34; #193 from Bade
- KURI: Salome 19; #194 from Bade
- EHRETZ: Strank? (female) 27; #195 from Bade
- SCHOLZ: Charles 8; #196 from Bade
- EHRETZ: Johann 4; #197 from Bade
- WIEMANN: Christian 24; #198 from Bade
- MULLER: Joseph 26; #199 from Bade
- EPPELHEIMER: Jean 32; #200 from Bade
- DAUL: Therese 35, Rosalie 9; #201-202 from Bade
-- Matches...
- KORNER: Lorenz 19; #203 from Bade
- ALBRECHT: Carl 19; #204 from Bade
- HEINZMANN: Elizsabeth 26; #205 from Bade
- SCHABER: Frederic 37; #206 from Bade
- FREY: Elisabeth 33, Caroline 8, Carl 4; #207-209 from Bade
- LINDERFELSER: Alexandre 20; #210 from Bade
- UNGEMACH: ___ (male) 59, Crecencia 50, Madeline 22, Angelique 3/4, Benedict 19, Wilhelmine 18, Josephine 16, Anton 9; #211-218 from Bade
- ...
- MÜLLER: Andre 27; #244 from France -- Matches...
- HAUSER: Joseph 37, Caroline 24; #245-246 from France
-- Matches...
- ...
- ROBERT: Jean 20; #391 from France
- BARTHOLEMY: Joseph 30, Louise 35, Josephine 7, Artemis? 5, Hortense 3, Charles 11/12; #392-397 from France
-- Matches...
- BENOIT: Joseph 37, Edward 9; #398-399 from France
-- Matches...
- REICHERT: Charles 39; #400 from France
- BARTHOLEMY: Dominic? 27; #401 from France
- FISHER: Pierre 19; #402 from France
- WASHRANG: Jacques 18; #403 from France
- FEUERSTEIN: Henri 19; #404 from France
- LOU?: Louis 17; #405 from France
- THELMANN: Louis 19; #406 from France
- ...
Ship: Olivia, 1855
Ship Name: Olivia
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 12-Feb-1855
These are some of the passengers:
- SCHREBER: Jean 43, Joseph 28; from France
- LOSER: Jean 30, Elisabeth 33, Barbara 4-1/2, Marguerite 2-1/2, Marie 2-1/2; from France
- HOLZMANN: Henry 19; from France
- SCHNEIDER: Frederic 19; from France
- ...
- MARZOLV: Michel 31, Marguerite 33, Michel 9; from France
- HERMANN: Marguerite 21; from France
- LIEMERT: Salome 25; from France
- MARZOLF: Catherine 18; from France
- ...
- GOETZ: Michel 55, Adelaide 49, Rosa 19, Marianne 19, Adele 8, Philippine 9; from France -- Matches...
- REINHARDT: Henry? 18; from France
- ALAM: Michel 19; from France
- ABERT: Dorothie; from France
- SAUTER: Michel 27; from France
- ESSIG: Joseph 31; from Bavaria
- GERST: Philippe 17; from France
- HENREUSE: Pierre 56; from France
- MATHOREL: Claude 52; from France
- BUTIN: J. Francois 34; from France
- ...
- STEINMETZ: Christian 46, Christian 14; from France -- Matches...
- ...
- SCHWINDHAUER: Thibaud 35; from France
- BOURAS?: Widal 22; from France
- SCHWINDHAUER: Odile 34, Thibaut 7, Leon 5, Pierre 35; from France
- ...
Ship: American Congress, 1855
Ship Name: American Congress
Port of Departure: London
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 30-Apr-1855
These are some of the passengers:
- SEIFFERT: Michael 50, Catherine 55, Catherine 22, Matthew 18, Franz 16, Andrew 10, Philomena 9; from Germany
-- Matches...
Ship: Fairfield, 1855
Ship Name: Fairfield
Port of Departure: London
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 29-May-1855
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- SIEFFERT: George 17; from France
- HOCHENDEL: Joseph 17; from France
-- Matches...
- HOCHENDEL: Francois 34, Marianne 29, Johann 7, Charles 6, Madelaine 3, Bernard 11/12; from France
-- Matches...
- HEINRICH: Marianne 57, Madelaine 55; from France
-- Matches...
- STEIGER: Jacob 39, Marianne 42, Andre 9, Ignace 8, Marianne 6, J. Raphaele 5, Michel 1/2; from France
- SIEGRIST: Jacob 16; from France
- ...
- GOETZMANN: Louis 16, Louis 31; from France
- ...
Ship: Catherine, 1855
Ship Name: Catherine
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 15-Sep-1855
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- BENOIT: Francoise 33, Clemence 7, Adeline 5, Victorine 2, Philomene 11/12; #58-62 from France
-- Matches...
- ...
Ship: Confederation, 1856
Ship Name: Confederation
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 07-Jun-1856
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- BIEHN: Anseln 27; from France
-- Matches...
- ...
Ship: Danube, 1857
Ship Name: Danube
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 23-Apr-1857
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- KROLLMAN: Jacob 30; from Hesse-- Matches...
- ...
Ship: Edgar P Stinger, 1857
Ship Name: Edgar P Stinger
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 01-Jul-1857
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- DREXLER: Sebastian 26; from France -- Matches...
- SAUR: Francoise 40, Wendelin 10; from France -- Matches...
- ...
- REINHARD: Henry (illegible age), Rosalie 34, Rosalie 12, Henri 11, Lina 8, Emilie 7, Friedch 5, Adam 2; from France
- BINGER: Joseph 58, Johann 17, Andree 16, Ann Marie 58; from France
- WOHLHALTER: Valentin 18; from France
- KNAPP: Michel 25 from USA, Magdalena 49 from France
- MUHLHEIM: Magdalena 11
- ADAM: Michel 31, Margareth 24
- ...
- GOTZMANN: Elisabeth 62, Madeline 27; from France
- KOHLER: Catherine 56; from France
- ...
- WHLMANN(?): Atron(?) 28 (male); from France
- ...
- TURBEN: Jean Baptiste, Lidie 34, Abdias(?) 11 (male), Ernestine 7, Josue 3, Susanne 11/12; from France
- LIEBERT: Adolph 25; from France
- FANGUIER: Monase(?) 18; from France
- VIGNON: Alexander 44, Jules 18; from France
- ...
- CASTAN: Louis 24; from France
- BAHNE: Joseph 18; from France
- ...
Ship: William Tell, 1860
Ship Name: William Tell
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 10-Apr-1860
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- VONHATTEN: Paul 18; from Baden #44 -- Matches...
- ...
Ship: H D Brookman, 1866
Ship Name: H D Brookman
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 07-Jun-1866
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- UHRY or UHRIG: Ferdinand 21; from France #183 -- Matches...
- PERRIN: Nicolas 20; from France #184
- BASTIAN: Valentin 20; from Baden #185
Ship: Bellona, 1866
Ship Name: Bellona
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 18-Nov-1866
These are some of the passengers:
- ULRICH: Chrysostome 57, Louise 49, Francis 26, Richard 24, J.Bapt. 23, Magdeline 20, Justine 18, Chrysostome 15, Paul 11, Victor 9; from France -- Matches...
Ship: Siberia, 1868
Ship Name: Siberia
Port of Departure: Liverpool
Port of Arrival: Boston
Arrival Date: 10-Nov-1868
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- GOETZ: Martin 60; from Germany -- Matches...
- HUSS: Phillipp 32, Madeline 32, Marie 3, Emile 2, Eugene 8 mos.; from Germany -- Matches...
- ...
Ship: Cimbria, 1870
Ship Name: Cimbria
Port of Departure: Hamburg and Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 15-Jun-1870
These are some of the passengers:
- DENTINGER: Xavier 24, Madelaine 25; from France -- Matches...
Ship: St Laurent, 1872
Ship Name: St Laurent
Port of Departure: Le Havre and Brest
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 17-Feb-1872
These are some of the passengers:
- REINBOLD: Geoffrey 21 (from France)
- HEITZ: William 19 (from France)
- PHILIPS: Emile 18 (from France)
- STRASSER: Francois 20 (from France)
- KOCHER: Eginide 19, Maria 25 (from France) -- Matches...
- MEYER: Berald 18 (from France) -- Matches...
- HOCHL: Ferdinand 21 (from France)
- HAUMISSER: Jean Baptiste 26, Catherine 26 (from France)
Ship: Adriatic, 1872
Ship Name: Adriatic
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England and Queenstown, Ireland
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 09-Sep-1872
These are some of the passengers:
- FISCHER: Aloise 17, Joseph 18
- LORENTZ: Geo 17
- WALTER: Jean 18
- DENTINGER: Bernard 18, Cecilia 27
- PHILLIPS: Johan 28
- BULL: Chas 27
- WAGNER: Louis 18
- FISCHER: Jos 22
- FISC: Maria 55
- PHILIPS: Chas 17
Ship: The Queen, 1872
Ship Name: The Queen
Port of Departure: Le Havre and London
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 27-Sep-1872
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- BERENS: Michel 38, Catharine 31, Jean 8, Nicolas 5, Michel 1, Marguerite 1; from France
- ZEHRDEN: Matthias 45, Catharine 36, Catharine 18, Catharine 14, Margerite 9, Elise 1, Marguerite 1; from France
- BECKER: Matthias 53; from France
- STRASSER: Georges 21; from France
- GASPAR: Martin 19, Georges 18; from France
- CLAUS: Bernard 20; from France
- KOCHER: Georges 25, Martin 18; from France
- DENTINGER: Charles 20; from France
- BOHL: Francois 23; from France
- FORNETTER: Henry 21; from France
- HOCK: Michel 32; from France
- SCHNEIDER: Hippolishe 32, Philomone 31; from France
- RUDOLPH: Joseph 18; from France
- ...
Ship: Hammonia, 1873
Ship Name: Hammonia
Port of Departure: Hamburg and Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 27-Mar-1873
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- SCHAEFFER: Wilhelm 39; from France
- MULLER: Louise 19; from France
- JAECK: Joseph 46, Josephine 9; from France
-- Matches...
- BURGHARD: Fred 17; from France
-- Matches...
- MESSNER: Joseph 26; from France
-- Matches...
- JUNIOR: Helarius 28; from France
- BECKER: Henry 27, Louise 20, Elise 3mos.; from France
- ...
- EICHENLAUB: Joseph 22; from France
- ...
Ship: Amerique, 1875
Ship Name: Amerique
Port of Departure: Le Havre, France and Plymouth, England
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 06-May-1875
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- SCHRECKENBERGER: Josephine 15, Georges 2; from Germany
-- Matches...
- WEISSHAAR: Francois 26; from Germany
- STRECKMEYER: Georges 54, Jean 19, Michel 11, Catherine 16, Caroline 18; from Germany
- GEBER: Emile 16; from Germany
- SCHNEIDER: Catherine 16, Georges 2; from Germany
- ...
Ship: France, 1879
Ship Name: France
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 21-Aug-1879
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- JACOBI: Catherine 18; from Germany Alsatia
- ERHARDT: Jacques 19; from Germany Alsatia
- STENS: Ernest 31; from Germany Alsatia
- LEVY: Gerard 21; from Germany Alsatia
- SCHREKENBERGER: Georges 55, Mrs. 55, Joseph 14, Louis 12; from Germany Alsatia
-- Matches...
- WESTERMANN: F.J. 36?, Marie 34?; from Germany Alsatia
- ...
Ship: France, 1880
Ship Name: France
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 03-Nov-1880 (pages 17-28 for this date)
Many passengers on this ship are from Alsace. Only a few of them are listed
These are some of the passengers:
- WAGATHA: Martin 22? -- Matches...
- ...
- HAGEL?, Catherine 20, from Germany Alsace
- ...
- ARBOGAST: Valentin 62, from Alsace Ger
- PODUST?: Jean? 10, from Alsace Ger
- GOBEL: Jean? 23, from Germany Alsace
- BAUMBUTHER: Madeleine 25, from Germany Alsace
- GOBEL: Rosa 25, from Germany Alsace
- POHN?: Ferdinand 29, from Germany Alsace
- ALTMANN: George 23, O___? 25, from Germany Alsace
- GOETZ: Leopold 22, from Germany Alsace
- ZIP__?: Frederic 25, from Germany Alsace
- MULLER: Francois 23, from Germany Alsace
- GUTHA?: Victoria? 37, Auguste (male) 16, Caroline 11, Joseph 10, Guilaume
8, Sophia 6, Francine? 1?, from Germany Alsace
- BING?: Samuel 44, Catherine 42, Catherine 15, ___? (female) 11, Auguste
9, Francoise? 2, from Germany Alsace
- KRAMM: Joseph 23, from Germany Alsace
- MU___?: Christine 24, from Germany Alsace
- KLEIN: Guillaume 40, from Germany Alsace
- BROSMAN?: Michel 17, from Germany Alsace
- ...
Ship: Canada, 1880
Ship Name: Canada
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 18-Nov-1880
These are some of the passengers:
- STAEBEL: M. (male) 28, Mrs. (female) 22, M. (male) 20 (from Germany, destination
Ship: Ferdinand De Lesseps, 1881
Ship Name: Ferdinand De Lesseps
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 08-Feb-1881
These are some of the passengers:
Ship: City of Montreal, 1881
Ship Name: City of Montreal
Port of Departure: Liverpool
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 11-Apr-1881
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- GOETZ: Jeane 43, Caroline 38, Louis 10, Therese 8, Josephine 5, Cath Anne 2; from Germany -- Matches...
- ...
Ship: France, 1881
Ship Name: France
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 05-May-1881
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- WEHRUNG: George 29, Catherine 20, George (enfant), Nicolas 29; from France
- ECKERT: Caroline 11; from France
- ROESER: Philippe 46, Caroline 38, Philippe 10, Caroline 13, Chretien 8, Madeleine 5, Louis (enfant); from Alsace
- BURRI: Charlotte 21, Sophie 18, George 16; from Alsace
- SCHNEIDER: Caroline 60; from Alsace
- SALTZMANN: Joseph 51, Madeleine 55, Walenck? 32, Elise 26, Benjamin 20, Joseph 16; from France
- LAROCHE: Marie 45, Ferdinand 14, Ernest 11, Joseph 9; from France
- FUCHS: Antoine 26; from U. States
-- Matches...
- EMSLER: Auguste 25; from Alsace
- RON: Stephan 21; from Alsace
- SCHARRER: Louis 16; from Alsace
- BALL: George 26; from Alsace
-- Matches...
- KOCHER: Madeleine 20; from Alsace
-- Matches...
- SCHMIDT: Nicolas 60, Elisabeth 62, Joseph 16, Pauline 35; from Alsace
- KREMMER: Paul 36, Michel 4, Baptiste (enfant); from Alsace
- NIPPERRS: Gottfried 19; from Alsace
- FOC: Georges 40; from Alsace
- EGER: Henri 39, Barbe 35, Henri 10, Madeleine 9, Philippe 7, Georges (enfant), Fried (enfant), MARTIN 23; from Alsace
- KIEFFER: Henri 47, Elise 47, Henri 17, Georges 16, Elise 8; from Alsace
- ...
- HECKEL: Eva 26; from Alsace
- WENDLING: Franz 17; from Alsace
- SCHMIDT: Louise 20; from Alsace
- LUA: Henrich 28; from Alsace
- PUMMEL: Marie 19; from Alsace
- MASSON: Theophile 22; from Alsace
- LAURENT: Charles 27; from France
- ...
- RITTER: Elise 36, Nicolas 12, Augustine 9, Josephine (enfant); from Alsace
- ...
- GERWICH: Fried 16; from Alsace
- HOLZMANN: Henry 16; from Alsace
- STURN: George 16; from Alsace
- ...
- WICKELS: Joseph 39; from France
- SCHMITT: Nicolas 24, Sophia 11; from France
- ECKER: Eugene 22, Caroline 26, Eugene (enfant); from France
- ...
- LUTHRINGER: Joseph 68, Madeleine 25, Agatha 21; from Alsace
- BERENTER: Desire? 35 (male), Marie 29, August 11, Laurent 4; from Alsace
- WALDER: Adele 34, Eduard 7, Madeleine 2; from Alsace
- ...
- MEYER: Nicolas 33, Madeleine 29; from Alsace
- ...
- NARDEN: Sophie 18
- ...
- GALLAS: Joseph 21; from Alsace
- MULLER: Xavier 18; from Alsace
- MERTZ: Vincent 20?; from Alsace
- WALTISBERGER: Rosalie 18; from Swiss
- WURTH: Caroline 36, George 14; from Alsace
- ...
- WERL: Ernestine 22; from Alsace
- BACHMANN: Michel 19; from Alsace
- ...
- PERNET: Marie 21; from Alsace
- CORDIER: Marie 20; from Alsace
- ...
Ship: City of Brussels, 1881
Ship Name: City of Brussels
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England and Queenstown, Ireland
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 28-May-1881
These are some of the passengers:
- STABEALL: Jacob 19 (from Germany)
Ship: Amerique, 1881
Ship Name: Amerique
Port of Departure: Le Havre, France and Plymouth, England
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 08-Jun-1881
These are some of the passengers:
- VOGEL: Henri 28; from Alsatia
- ...
- BLACK: Henry 39, Catherine 38, Louis 11, Catherine 9, Madeleine 7, Elise 5, Henry 1; from Alsatia
- RUFF: ___? 29; from Alsatia
- STENGER: Pierre 27; from Alsatia
- HERLING: Bernard 30?; from Alsatia
- OSWALD: Louis 29; from Alsatia
- ...
- KUNZ: Jean 36, Emma 28, Marie 9, Amelie 6, Emma 4, ___? (female) 3, Bertha 8/12; from Alsatia
- H___?: Marie 20; from Alsatia
- ...
- ZERBRECK: William 46, Amelia 36, Amelia 9, Pauline 6; from Alsatia
- JELUNMETZLER(?): G.J. 17; from Alsatia
- JOHNIG(?): Joseph 36; from Alsatia
- ...
- BAUMAN, Philip 16; from Alsatia
- ...
- OBERLE: James(?) 26, Charles 22/12(?); from Alsatia
- ...
- FECHTER: Bernard 46, Marie 41, Marie 16, Bernard 14, Madelaine 13, Otille 12, Aloise (female) 7, Agatha 5, Laurent 3, Catherine 2, Xavier infant; from Alsatia -- Matches...
- BALL: Henry 44, Caroline 37, Ferdin 15, Henri 14, Georges 12, Marianne 8, Martin 4, Caroline infant; from Alsatia -- Matches...
- ROEHRIG: Clothilde 18; from Alsatia
- ...
- JAEGER: Ferd. 21; from Alsatia
- RITTNER: Julius 20; from Alsatia
- SCHNEIDER: George 40, Angelique(?) 38, Georges 8, Josephine 6, Theresa infant; from Alsatia
- ...
- SCHNEIDER, Mad (female) 56, Alois 17, Josephine 33? Marie infant; from Alsatia
Ship: General Werder, 1881
Ship Name: General Werder
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 05-Jul-1881
These are some of the passengers:
- HIMMELMANN: Christian 59, Emma 21, Henrich 6, August 5, Dorothea 11/12
- DRALLE: Carl 31, Dorothea 20
- SCHMIDT: Susanne 30, Elise 17
- SCHULTER: Emilie 22, Hulda 5/12
- BURGHAUS: Johann 48, Marie 42, Franz 9, Johann 4, Regina 3, Josef 3/12; from Germany -- Matches...
- DRECHSLER: Carl 38, Hanna 38, Anna 6, Selma 5, Otto 4, Oswald 3, Louise 3/12, Gottlieb 7
Ship: Pereire, 1881
Ship Name: Pereire
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 13-Oct-1881
These are some of the passengers:
- ROHNENBERGER: Andres 26; from Germany
- MAST: Carl 26, Victoria 38, Ferdinand 2, Philippe 3; from Germany
- SCHMIDT: Nicolas 40; from Germany
- EHRISMANN: Pauline 19; from Germany
- BALL: Adam 33, Caroline 34, Marie 1; from Germany -- Matches...
- DENDINGER: Barbe 23; from Germany
- STIEBEL: Sophie 19; from Germany
Ship: France, 1882
Ship Name: France
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 22-Mar-1882
These are some of the passengers:
- STABEL: M. (male) 25, Mrs. (female) 25, M. (male) 30 (from Switzerland)
Ship: Canada, 1882
Ship Name: Canada
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 04-May-1882
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- PHILIPS: Joseph 40 (from "Germany Bad") -- Matches...
- KOCHER: Louis 61, Marguerite 62, Monique 26, Felix 18 (from "Germany Bad") -- Matches...
- STRASSER: Martin 16 (from "Germany Bad")
-- Matches...
- HERVA? or HERIC?: Walter 14, Alois 14 (from "Germany Bad")
- BICHEL: Georges 15 (from "Germany Bad")
- ROESLING: Marie 18 (from "Germany Bad")
- ...
Ship: Labrador, 1883
Ship Name: Labrador
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 21-Mar-1883
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- FUCHS: Joseph 28; from Alsatia
- KAPPLER: Andre 26; from Alsatia
- GERALD: Victor 22; from Alsatia
- WEDER: Georges 23; from Alsatia
- BALL: Louis 25; from Alsatia
-- Matches...
- CLAUSS: Salome 20; from Alsatia
-- Matches...
- JUNG: Pierre 25; from Alsatia
- DANIEL: Auguste 17; from Alsatia
- ADRIAN: Jean Bte.; from France
- KAPPLER: Jean 19; from Alsatia
- SPINNER: Josephine 20; from Germany
- ...
Ship: France, 1883
Ship Name: France
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 05-Jul-1883
These are some of the passengers:
- PHILIPPS: Joseph 41, Cresence 40, Joseph 13, Louis 10, Marie 9, Regine 5 (from Germany, destination Buffalo) -- Matches...
Ship: Normadie, 1883
Ship Name: Normadie
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 23-Jul-1883
These are some of the passengers:
Ship: Belgenland, 1883
Ship Name: Belgenland
Port of Departure: Antwerp, Belgium
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 13-Dec-1883
These are some of the passengers:
- [Image] STABEL, Jean 54, Cath 53, Aud? (female) 23, Bert? 15, Jacob 14, Ward? 12, Jos? 10, Edw 8, Edith? 0?
(from Germany, destination Alden NY) -- Matches...
Ship: St. Laurent, 1885
Ship Name: St. Laurent
Port of Departure: Le Havre and Brest
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 08-Oct-1885
These are some of the passengers:
- BILDSTEIN: Charles 25; from Germany, destination NY -- Matches...
Ship: La Champagne, 1889
Ship Name: La Champagne
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 20-May-1889
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- MOTZ: Maria 18; from Germany
- BALLES: Maria 27; from Germany
- ENGEL: Madeleine 25; from Germany
- APPENZELLEN: Caroline 24; from Germany
- BILDSTEIN: Josephine 18; from Germany
-- Matches...
- ARNOLD: Therese 22; from Germany
-- Matches...
- GEORGES: Josephine 21; from Germany
- JEKKEL: Madeleine 22; from Germany
- ERNEWEIN: Caroline 22; from Germany
-- Matches...
- BECHT: Mary 23; from Germany
- REINHARDT: Sophie 18; from Germany
- ...
Ship: La Bourgogne, 1889 (May)
Ship Name: La Bourgogne
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 27-May-1889
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- STRASSER: George 31, Marie 27, Leonie 2; from Germany #265-267 -- Matches...
- MARISSANT: Jacob 28; from Germany #268
- MEYER: Joseph 18; from Germany #269 -- Matches...
- PHILIPPS: Catherine 28?; from Germany #270
- YEARGER: Anton 25; from Germany #271 -- Matches...
- GABEL: Mathilde 18; from Germany #272
- MULLER: Francoise (female) 21; from Germany #273
- ERHRICH: Nicolas 32, Josephine 30; from Germany #274-275
- ...
- FISCHER: Marie 24, Catherine 20; from Germany #282-283
- ...
Ship: La Bourgogne, 1889 (July)
Ship Name: La Bourgogne
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 29-Jul-1889
These are some of the passengers:
- ...
- DEIBEL: Joseph 29, Regine 28, Joseph 4, Regine 2; from Germany #69-72 -- Matches...
- PHILIPP: Marguerite 59, Catherine 19; from Germany #73-4 -- Matches...
- ...
- BALL: M. 61, Caroline 57, Anna 30, Luigia? 14; from Germany #145-148
- ...
Ship: La Champagne, 1892
Ship Name: La Champagne
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 03-Apr-1892
These are some of the passengers:
- STABEL: August? 18 (male, from Germany, destination Buffalo NY) passenger #239 -- Matches...
- MEYER: Johann 28 (from Germany, destination Reading PA)
- SCHOTT: Jacob 20 (from Germany, destination Buffalo NY)
- STUBER: Carl 17 (from Germany, destination New York NY)
- HOF: Sebastian (from Germany, destination Montreal Canada)
- BLOCH: Leonhard (from Germany, destination New York NY)
- ...
- WALTER: Leonard? 26 (from Germany, destination Chicago IL) passenger # 260
- ...
- BALL: Martin 26, Regina 23, Caroline 21, Marie 18, Sophie 16 (from Germany, destination Buffalo NY) passengers # 304-308 -- Matches...
- ...
- STRASSER: Ferdinand 17 (from Germany, destination Buffalo NY) passenger # 426
- BALL: Adam 23, Joseph 17 (from Germany, destination NY) passengers # 427-428 -- Matches...
- ...
Ship: La Bretagne, 1893
Ship Name: La Bretagne
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 29-May-1893
These are some of the passengers:
- STABEL: Bernhardt 56, Camilla 51, Camilla 26, Josephine 24, Marie 23, Alois 14, Bernhardt 11, Rosalie 7, Emma 4; from Germany, destination Buffalo -- Matches...
Ship: La Touraine, 1899
Ship Name: La Touraine
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 20-Mar-1899
These are some of the passengers:
Ship: La Touraine, 1900
Ship Name: La Touraine
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Departure Date: 28-Jul-1900
Port of Arrival: New York
Arrival Date: 06-Aug-1900
These are some of the passengers:
- LEHMANN: Lorentz 32, Catherina 33, Julie 4, Marie 3
-- Matches...
- Last residence: Lauterburg, Germany
- Final destination: Buffalo, NY
- To join brother-in-law Casper MILLER at 506 Glenwood Av
- No one in the family is a polygamist.
- ...
- LeGOUAILLE: Pierre 25; stowaway
See Also:
Matches and Possible Matches
for the Passengers on This Page
Ship Passenger Lists: 1820-1850
Comments? Suggestions? Send a
letter to Brian...