DNA Analysis: Common Ancestors

See also (on this website):
    Genealogy Site Map

DNA analysis offers new avenues for research. It may help to fill in missing parts of the family tree.

AncestryDNA provides us with a list of other participants who are possible relatives. Some of these participants provide their family trees. If a participant's family tree goes back far enough, it would show the common ancestors that I share with that participant. In some cases, it is easy to spot the common ancestor -- for example, in my case, if I see a participant has a distant ancestor named Staebell in Stundwiller or named Massicotte in Quebec.

This page contains some of my ongoing research about AncestryDNA matches with my mother and me, looking at the family trees of people who the service reports to be "distant DNA cousins," but whom I am unable to fit into my family tree. I am looking for names of ancestors shared by two or more of my distant DNA cousins. These shared ancestors might be clues to how I am related to these cousins. The shared ancestors might not be my direct ancestors, but they may point to families do belong in my family trees.

Common Ancestors of DNA Cousins