Wintershouse - Names from Microfilm Records
Compiled by Brian J. Smith

See also (on this site):
    Genealogy Site Map

Wintershouse is a village in Bas-Rhin (Alsace), France.

On this page, microfilm numbers and film numbers refer to FHL catalog numbers. For more information, see Family History Library (FHL).

This page lists names found in the Wintershouse microfilm records. My search of these microfilm reels is neither complete nor thorough. I searched only for the names that appear in my family history, such as OTT and SCHNEIDER. I did not find a record of my ancestors there. Therefore, I believe that my ancestors did not originate in this village.

Nevertheless, I have preserved my findings on this page for future reference, and to assist other researchers. I have only recorded names of interest to me -- SCHNEIDER and OTT, primarily. I have not recorded every instance of these surnames.

Microfilm 769110 - Tables Décennales 1792-1862

Births 1813-1822

Births 1823-1832

Births 1833-1842

Marriages 1813-1822

Marriages 1823-1832


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