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German: Kaltenhausen
- 1792: 557
- 1851: 999
- 1905: 1,114
- 1936: 1,048
- 1990: 1,695
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 99%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist: <1%
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 20 rue Principale, 67240 Kaltenhouse
- Bibliography:
Die Aemter Offendorf und Bischweiler und die drei Dörfer Kaltenhausen, Schirrhein und Schirrhofen: eine geschichtliche Studie, by A. Kocher (Strasbourg, 1907)
[Top of Page]
German: Kappeln
- 1789: 271
- 1851: 401
- 1905: 379
- 1936: 288
- 1990: 412
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 3 rue de la Chapelle, 68510 Kappelen
- Bibliography:
- Web resources:
[Top of Page]
- 1790: 429
- 1851: 609
- 1905: 521
- 1936: 462
- 1990: 505
Religious composition in 1851:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
[Top of Page]
- 1792: 165
- 1851: 249
- 1905: 199
- 1936: 156
- 1990: 202
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 22%
- Lutheran: 78%
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 6 rue Principale, 67480 Kauffenheim
- Bibliography:
Leutenheim, Koenigsbruck, Kauffenheim: trois lieux chargés d'histoire (Strasbourg: Coprur, 1995), ISBN 2842080017
- Web resources:
[Top of Page]
Latin: Caesaris mons
Variants: Keysersberg, Mont Libre
- 1790: 2,404
- 1851: 3,465
- 1905: 2,657
- 1936: 2,504
- 1990: 2,755
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 39 rue du Général de Gaulle, 68240 Kaysersberg
- Bibliography:
The Sociétés d'Histoire de la Vallée de la Weiss Ammerschwihr-Kaysersberg-Kientzheim-Sigolsheim publish a journal with articles on the history of this area. For information write to:
Hôtel de Ville, 68240 Kaysersberg
- Web resources:
[Top of Page]
- 1792: 191
- 1851: 230
- 1905: 198
- 1936: 189
- 1990: 173
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 26%
- Lutheran: 40%
- Calvinist: 33%
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
[Top of Page]
The community of
La Chaussée was divided 24 Feb 1830 between Bartenheim,
Blotzheim and Kembs.
- 1789: 826
- 1851: 1,479
- 1905: 1,131
- 1936: 1,676
- 1990: 3,016
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 94%
- Lutheran: <1%
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish: 5%
- City Hall:
Mairie, 56 rue du Maréchal Foch, 68680 Kembs
- Bibliography:
Kembs en Sundgau rhénan: l'église et l'architecte du XVIIIe siècle, François Antoine Zeller (1740-1816), by Louis Abel (Société Savante d'Alsace, 1986)
- Web resources:
[Top of Page]
German: Kerzfeld
- 1790: 515
- 1851: 1,056
- 1905: 954
- 1936: 846
- 1990: 947
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 2 rue de Benfeld, 67230 Kertzfeld
- Bibliography:
[Top of Page]
- 1794: 832
- 1851: 1,435
- 1905: 1,337
- 1936: 1,264
- 1990: 1,362
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 46%
- Lutheran: 49%
- Calvinist: 2%
- Anabaptist: 1%
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 15 rue de la Libération, 67260 Keskastel
- Bibliography:
Keskastel und Schopperten by Gerhard C. Schildberg (Saverne: Imprimerie Savernoise, 1965)
- Web resources:
[Top of Page]
- 1792: 268
- 1851: 496
- 1905: 369
- 1936: 313
- 1990: 317
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
[Top of Page]
- 1792: 243
- 1851: 278
- 1905: 225
- 1936: 183
- 1990: 538
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 67270 Kienheim
- Bibliography:
[Top of Page]
Latin: Cunonis villa
German: Kienzheim
- 1790: 1,007
- 1851: 1,279
- 1905: 826
- 1936: 814
- 1990: 933
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 13 Grand'Rue, 68240 Kientzheim
- Bibliography:
- Bennwihr, Kientzheim et Sigolsheim: à l'époque contemporaine, 1870-1990, by Claude Muller (Strasbourg: Editions Coprur, 1991)
- The Sociétés d'Histoire de la Vallée de la Weiss Ammerschwihr-Kaysersberg-Kientzheim-Sigolsheim publish a journal with articles on the history of this area. For information write to:
Hôtel de Ville, 68240 Kaysersberg
- Web resources:
Kientzheim information from the Centre Départemental d'Histoire des Familles, http://cdhf.telmat-net.fr/villages/F-68/ribeauville/kaysersberg/kientzheim/page1/index.fr.vhtml
[Top of Page]
- 1789: 252
- 1851: 446
- 1905: 263
- 1936: 243
- 1990: 237
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
[Top of Page]
- 1792: 511
- 1851: 791
- 1905: 848
- 1936: 1,007
- 1990: 1,406
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 99%
- Lutheran: <1%
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 1 rue de la Mairie, 67840 Kilstett
- Bibliography:
[Top of Page]
German: Kindweiler
- 1792: 382
- 1851: 561
- 1905: 556
- 1936: 494
- 1990: 550
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 41 rue Principale, 67350 Kindwiller
- Bibliography:
Niederbronn-les-Bains et son canton, by Jeannie Del Grande and Pascal Prévost-Bouré (Joué-lès-Tours: A. Sutton, 1999), ISBN 2842532260, in the series Mémoire en images
[Top of Page]
- 1789: 248
- 1851: 594
- 1905: 846
- 1936: 3,186
- 1990: 11,258
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 79 faubourg de Mulhouse, 68260 Kingersheim
- Bibliography:
- Les images du passé de Wittenheim et Kingersheim: un siècle de transformations successives, 1896-1996, by Jean Checinski, with images from the collections of Théo Zumbiehl, Roger Sick and Jean Checinski (Kingersheim: Société d'histoire de Kingersheim, 1996), ISBN 2950833632
- Le Dollerbaechlein : histoire et topographie d'un ruisseau : villes et villages riverains : Aspach-le-Haut, Aspach-le-Bas, Schweighouse, Reiningue, Lutterbach, Pfastatt, Richwiller, Kingersheim, Wittenheim, Ruelisheim, Ensisheim, by Jean Checinski (Kingersheim: Société d'Histoire de Kingersheim, 1994), ISBN 2950833608
- Web resources:
Kingersheim information from the Centre Départemental d'Histoire des Familles, http://cdhf.telmat-net.fr/villages/F-68/mulhouse/wittenheim/kingersheim/page1/index.fr.vhtml
[Top of Page]
German: Kinzheim
Variant: Kinsheim
- 1790: 1,103
- 1851: 1,697
- 1905: 1,383
- 1936: 1,173
- 1990: 1,449
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
[Top of Page]
Lieux-dits, hameaux, écarts:
Langenfeld (
Strueth (
- 1806: 503
- 1851: 711
- 1905: 743
- 1936: 675
- 1990: 802
Religious composition in 1851:
- Catholic: 99%
- Lutheran: <1%
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 12 rue du Moulin, 68290 Kirchberg
- Bibliography:
- Patrimoine Doller, the bulletin of the Société
d'Histoire de la Vallée de Masevaux, publishes articles on Kirchberg. (The coat of arms depicted above is reproduced from the back cover of issue no. 2, 1992.)
Information on this journal can be obtained from the
M. Jean-Marie Ehret, 8 place de la Mairie, 68290 Oberbruck
- Two volumes of postcard views of this valley, compiled by Jean-Marie Ehret, Monique and Georges Redhaber, Bernard Sutter and Daniel Willmé, have been published by the Centre de Ressources des Vosges du Sud: La vallée de Masevaux à l'orée du siècle (1894-1914) (1995) and La vallée de Masevaux 1914-1918 (1997). Information can be obtained from:
M. Armand Laurent, 1 rue du Buhl, 68290 Dolleren
- Web resources:
[Top of Page]
Latin: Kirchemium, Celeia
Variant: Kircheim
- 1791: 436
- 1851: 459
- 1905: 341
- 1936: 297
- 1990: 499
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 98%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist: 1%
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 27 rue du Général de Gaulle, 67520 Kirchheim
- Bibliography:
[Top of Page]
German: Kirberg
- 1794: 176
- 1851: 392
- 1905: 306
- 1936: 241
- 1990: 166
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 7%
- Lutheran: 11%
- Calvinist: 81%
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
[Top of Page]
Formed by the merger in 1974 of the communities of Kirrwiller (Latin: Chirichowilare, Kirikwilari; German: Kirweiler) and Bosselshausen (Latin: Buozolteshusa).
- 1792: 224 (Bosselshausen), 455 (Kirrwiller)
- 1851: 290 (Bosselshausen), 707 (Kirrwiller)
- 1905: 256 (Bosselshausen), 610 (Kirrwiller)
- 1936: 232 (Bosselshausen), 513 (Kirrwiller)
- 1990: 647
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 7% (Bosselshausen), 40% (Kirrwiller)
- Lutheran: 92% (Bosselshausen), 59% (Kirrwiller)
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 39 rue Principale Kirrwiller, 67330 Kirrwiller-Bosselshausen
- Bibliography:
Kirrwiller, ein Gang durch die Geschichte einer unterelsässischen Landgemeinde unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der kirchlichen Verhältnisse, by G. Ruch (Vendenheim, 1965)
- Web resources:
Jean-Paul Kaminske has abstracted the church marriage records for both Kirrwiller and Bosselshausen and is willing to provide photocopies. For more information visit his site: http://mapage.noos.fr/jpkam
[Top of Page]
German: Kleingöft
Variant: Kleingoefft
- 1792: 141
- 1851: 162
- 1905: 138
- 1936: 117
- 1990: 122
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, rue de l'Église, 67440 Kleingoeft
- Bibliography:
[Top of Page]
German: Knöringen
- 1789: 184
- 1851: 233
- 1905: 191
- 1936: 195
- 1990: 227
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
[Top of Page]
German: Knörsheim
- 1792: 180
- 1851: 269
- 1905: 166
- 1936: 153
- 1990: 174
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 21 rue Principale, 67310 Knoersheim
- Bibliography:
[Top of Page]
German: Köstlach
- 1789: 456
- 1851: 674
- 1905: 417
- 1936: 360
- 1990: 393
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
[Top of Page]
German: Kötzingen
Variant: Ketzingen
- 1789: 351
- 1851: 467
- 1905: 362
- 1936: 309
- 1990: 422
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 68510 Koetzingue
- Bibliography:
- Web resources:
[Top of Page]
- 1790: 900
- 1851: 1,416
- 1905: 1,122
- 1936: 1,038
- 1990: 867
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 100%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
[Top of Page]
- 1791: 430
- 1851: 613
- 1905: 612
- 1936: 509
- 1990: 668
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 9%
- Lutheran: 76%
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish: 14%
- City Hall:
Mairie, 8 rue de la Division Leclerc, 67120 Kolbsheim
- Bibliography:
- Web resources:
Jean-Paul Kaminske has abstracted the church records for this community and integrated the information to create family cards. He is willing to provide photocopies. For more information visit his site: http://mapage.noos.fr/jpkam
[Top of Page]
- 1790: 860
- 1851: 1,325
- 1905: 1,415
- 1936: 1,187
- 1990: 1,388
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 88%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish: 11%
- City Hall:
Mairie, 1 rue de l'École, 67880 Krautergersheim
- Bibliography:
[Top of Page]
German: Krautweiler
- 1792: 114
- 1851: 160
- 1905: 167
- 1936: 135
- 1990: 136
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: <1%
- Lutheran: 99%
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 67170 Krautwiller
- Bibliography:
- Web resources:
Jean-Paul Kaminske has abstracted the church marriage records for this community and is willing to provide photocopies. For more information visit his site: http://mapage.noos.fr/jpkam
[Top of Page]
- 1792: 230
- 1851: 369
- 1905: 361
- 1936: 351
- 1990: 405
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 97%
- Lutheran: 2%
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 8 Grand'Rue, 67170 Kriegsheim
- Bibliography:
Das Amt Brumath und die drei Landvogteidörfer Bernolsheim, Kriegsheim und Rottelsheim, by A. Kocher (Strasbourg, 1911)
[Top of Page]
German: Krüt
Variants: Gruth, Kreith, Krüth, Krut
- 1806: 1,306
- 1851: 2,048
- 1905: 1,559
- 1936: 1,306
- 1990: 976
Religious composition in 1851:
- Catholic: 99%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist: <1%
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 55 Grand'Rue, 68820 Kruth
- Bibliography:
- Krüth und das obere Thurtal, by Aimé Behra (Mulhouse: Alsatia, 1937)
- La haute vallée de la Thur (Ingersheim: SAEP, 1981)
- The Cercle Cartophile de Thann et de la Vallée de la Thur published two volumes of postcard views of this valley (1990, 1992), called La vallée de la Thur à la belle époque de la carte postale.
- Web resources:
[Top of Page]
German: Künheim
- 1789: 280
- 1851: 724
- 1905: 642
- 1936: 536
- 1990: 1,313
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 7%
- Lutheran: 92%
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 56 rue Principale, 68320 Kunheim
- Bibliography:
Le canton d'Andolsheim, by Claude Kauffmann (Joué-lès-Tours: A. Sutton, 1999), ISBN 2842534085, in the series Mémoire en images
- Web resources:
[Top of Page]
German: Kurzenhausen
- 1792: 392
- 1851: 552
- 1905: 607
- 1936: 612
- 1990: 894
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 12%
- Lutheran: 87%
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish:
- City Hall:
Mairie, 29 rue Principale, 67240 Kurtzenhouse
- Bibliography:
- Web resources:
Jean-Paul Kaminske has abstracted the church records for this community and integrated the information to create family cards. He is willing to provide photocopies. For more information visit his site: http://mapage.noos.fr/jpkam
[Top of Page]
German: Küttolsheim
- 1791: 671
- 1851: 833
- 1905: 652
- 1936: 475
- 1990: 599
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 89%
- Lutheran:
- Calvinist:
- Anabaptist:
- Jewish: 10%
- City Hall:
Mairie, 2 rue de l'École, 67520 Kuttolsheim
- Bibliography:
Erinnerungen aus Küttolsheim, by T.M. Adam (Strasbourg, 1900)
[Top of Page]
The communities of Niederkutzenhausen and Oberkutzenhausen were merged in 1792 to form Kutzenhausen (Latin: Chuzenhusa, Chuzzenhusa, Chuzinhusi).
Lieux-dits, hameaux, écarts:
Hoelschloch and Merkwiller
(both until 1888), and part of Lobsann
- 1792: 1,083
- 1851: 890
- 1905: 754
- 1936: 965
- 1990: 740
Religious composition in 1807:
- Catholic: 43%
- Lutheran: 51%
- Calvinist: <1%
- Anabaptist: <1%
- Jewish: 3%
- City Hall:
Mairie, 1 rue de l'École, 67250 Kutzenhausen
- Bibliography:
- Kutzenhausen, Oberkutzenhausen, notre village (Strasbourg: Carré Blanc, 1999), ISBN 2844880142, in the series Mémoire de vies
- The Atelier Généalogique de l'Arrondissement de Wissembourg et Environs (AGAWE) has transcribed Kutzenhausen Catholic baptism, marriage and death records for the period 1713-1792 and has them for sale.
- The Stoltz genealogy, 1634-1980: ancestry and descendants of Johann Adam Stoltz, emigrant from Kützenhausen, Elsass-Lothringen Germany to America in 1828, by Eurus Vernon Stoltz (Evansville, IN: Whipporwill, [1981?]); other towns mentioned in this book include Niederbetschdorf, Oberbetschdorf, Reimerswiller and Schwabwiller. Lenny Stoltz is in the process of creating an online version of the book at:
- The Cercle d'histoire et d'archéologie de l'Alsace du Nord publishes a quarterly journal called l'Outre-Forêt dedicated to this area of northern Alsace.
[Top of Page]
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Last modified: 03-Jul-2004